shalalalala my oh my

OK! So in my last post I talked about being done with the Little Mermaid costumes! Well, Monday afternoon I rode with mom over to the theater to help add some straps to the mermaid tops - even though the mermaids were all wearing black leotards under the tops they were still having some issues keeping them on and in place, so we just added some quick black straps to ...

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that girl sheds like a labrador

THE PLAY IS OVER! It was really fun but I'm glad it's over! I totally stole the pic in my blog header because it was a great pic of the whole cast showing the whole stage. Program cover which I drew in case you couldn't tell. I had about 30 seconds of time onstage where I needed to look like I was doing something while sitting in a chair, so I ...

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Friday was PUPPY DAY! I rode with my parents up to Nashville to pick up my new "little sister"! I got off work early Friday and drove on up to my grandparents in Jackson. Met my parents there and hopped in their car for the rest of the ride to Nashville. Got there at 6:30 and walked into a puppy paradise. My parents had to pick which one they wanted and ...

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poor unfortunate souls

So this week was a lot of stuff to do with plays. Play practice, painting play backdrops, making play costume... Halloween itself was kinda lame. As usual. It rained allll day. I wore Garth to work though I left the wig off most of the day. I was going to change into something else for handing out candy that night, but decided to be lazy and just stayed in Garth. ...

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all the things

I've basically got 2 weeks worth of stuff to post today. So hold onto your butts, it's going to be a long post! Let's separate this into topics. 1. Las Vegas So last week was Vegas for work. I didn't think I was going to have to do this show again but it got pulled together kinda at the last minute so there I was again. I was up at 5:30 Monday morning ...

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the final frontier

We're past the halfway point in the first season in our Star Trek TNG watch/rewatch! (rewatch for me - watch for Chase) I'm enjoying it sooo much. And Chase is too which is making me really happy!! So anyway. I think this week I'll start with sewing. So last week I left off not being able to decide between the fully gathered panel or just doing half of it. ...

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in which I have a birthday and suddenly have a new costume to make

Thursday was my birthday! And it was a rather important birthday in relation to my blog -- this is the 20th birthday I've blogged about here. And funnily enough, I celebrated this birthday the exact same way I celebrated it in 1998 - we went to Molly's with my family and we sat in the exact same place and they brought out a birthday dessert and everybody sang and it was ...

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I didn't post yesterday because I didn't really have much of anything to post about. So I gathered up some various scraps of photos and things to cobble together a post for today. Chase was out of town this weekend so I mostly just cleaned up the living space, organized some stuff. Played some video games. Went to Joann Saturday which is where most of this is going to come ...

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i got the black lung, pop

No it's not con crud. I've never really gotten con crud except that one time I came back from WSMI in Columbus sick in 2006. But the weather is changing and I'm still worn out from dragoncon so I feel like death warmed over. I slept a lot this weekend. Vague aches and pains in the back of my head/neck. I had wanted to swim after work today but storms ...

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the beadings will continue until dragoncon

So let's see, what have I done since last weekend? Oh that's right, I sat on the couch and beaded every single day. Ok so first. I was telling Kristie that I didn't like the bugle beads and was going to take them off that first test piece and redo them. She looked at my reference and was like, "uh I don't think that's beads, that looks like some kind ...

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