art dump post

Going through and updating the site this week and I realized I didn't have all of my recent art uploaded, so this is a catch-up art post. First up, i did post some of the Star Trek pieces I did earlier this year, but I didn't post all of them. Basically I'd just draw some star trek characters in the evenings while watching tv before bed. There was no rhyme ...

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it was maroon

Even though I said "no" to April Fool's Day last week, I did make something for it: It cracks me up how well this went together for 5 seconds in photoshop LOL Monday I got my Padme lake dress cardigan from maxxmerch! I love it!! Plus it came with a pin, a print and a keychain!! I filmed an unboxing video, got it edited and uploaded to tiktok... where it stayed ...

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just say no to april fools

I think I have finally decided what to take to Huntsville: 1. Honeymoon Leia 2. Packing Padme 3. Chip & Dale 4. Sailor Jupiter And I may also throw Seven in since she doesn't take up a lot of room, so no big deal if I don't get around to wearing her. Based on last year I don't think I'll have time for more than 4, especially since we're not going over Sunday at all. ...

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snowmageddon – the revenge

Well I didn't expect last Monday's snow to completely wreck my entire week of sewing, but it did. I was expecting 2 shipments of interfacing - 1 of a lighter weight for the bags and 1 of a medium weight for the Star Wars dress. And as I mentioned in last week's post, I ordered a couple more yards of the Star Wars fabric and hallelujah they shipped right away and were supposed ...

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Mid-Century Leia Art Project

Finally posting these! So last fall I wanted a "reference" I could use for my Dapper Day Leia dresses (senatorial and bespin), so I decided I'd just draw them, starting with senatorial and using the vintage pattern illustration as inspiration. I did Senatorial and Bespin and then thought, I have all these other ideas for Dapper Leia looks that I know I'm not going to have the time or money ...

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im great at doing stuff

Sorry I'm a day late! Chase just sent me the pics he took of my Valkyrie costume Saturday last night so I wanted to wait til i had those to post. But before i get to Valkyrie let's rewind to last week! First up look at all this fabric I donated! I was able to give all of this to an art teacher who has a sewing machine in her ...

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art dump

Oh hey I forgot to include this in the post yesterday so here's a rare second post in a week. I finished the Marvel project! I ended up adding 4 more characters to the original planned 24 because they weren't fitting right, I needed a few more. Since finishing them I've gotten them all put together on one file and I'll show the finished product once I have it. Just as a ...

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all for freedom & for pleasure

Well we are over here thawing out after the snow. When I posted Wednesday I talked about how much snow we'd gotten on Monday - well we got WAY MORE on wednesday! It ended up being a record - most snow we've had in something like 53 years?? Crazy! The backyard Wednesday night: The cove Thursday morning: So yeah Chase was off work again Thursday. He went in Friday, got stuck ...

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walking in a winter horrorland

Hey look... I'm posting on a Wednesday, only 2 days after I last posted... what is this, 2001?! Well a lot has happened since I posted on Monday. The "snowpcalypse" was no joke. This is the most snow I've seen here in... possibly decades? Remember that pic of our cove on Sunday that I had in the last post? This one: Here it is Monday at 11:30: Wow! And it kept snowing like ...

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white out

It's Monday again... it's snowing with a wind chill of NEGATIVE 3 WTF... but I'm in a good mood because... WE GOT OUR VACCINES SATURDAY NIGHT!! Yes it's just the first of two but I'm SO EXCITED and relieved to have this shot. Obviously we are not in any of the groups currently getting vaccines - we aren't healthcare workers/first responders/over 75 - but we got a lucky break. We ...

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