Anime Expo Memories

This weekend is Anime Expo!! And I'm not going so I don't know why that warranted two exclamation points. We went to Anime Expo once, in 2003. The way Ash and I managed that was that we talked our parents into doing it as a family vacation. We flew out to LA on... Wednesday I think? And on Thursday we went to Universal Studios. Why didn't we do Disneyland? Friends on ...

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when i played catch up

Ok, new blogger takes a looooooong time to publish on my computer. yuck :P what else have I not gotten to whine about lately? oh yeah! My credit card was about to expire. Last time this was about to happen, they upped my limit. That was a while ago, and the current limit is just not enough for traveling expenses. The card was originally just a student visa with a ...

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Anime Expo 2003 recap!

OK um hi! I'm home. how are ya? I'm just going to hit a few details of the trip. I'm not going to post our report because it's boring. -We went to Universal and I got my pic taken with Storm. -At Universal my dad had to get up in front of the Spiderman Rocks audience and dance. -AX is very big. The weather was incredibly nice. -Our hotel room ...

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when anime expo was a reality

After Animazement Ash and I started joking around about skipping all conventions next year and putting all our money towards going to Anime Expo (which is the big ole' convention in California) I wasn't serious about it - I mean, I'd LOVE to go, but I rather go to a handful of small conventions over the course of a few months rather than putting all our eggs in one basket. ...

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