My first photo at a convention

So... my first convention. Animazement 2001. I get to the hotel, we get checked in, and I toss on my Selphie costume. I'm so excited I don't bother with my hair, and (as usual in those early days) didn't bother with makeup. I stepped out of the elevator, not knowing what to expect but excited beyond belief to be there. And what is the first cosplayer I see when I step ...

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when i found more pics!

More Animazement pictures ... there's me and Ash on the first page of pics as Xiaoyu (tho we're listed as "more card captor sakuras"!) And then later on there's two of me as Lulu. You know, I realise I didn't wear my wig correctly, now. The part of hair on the right side of my head should have been over my eye. But see... that eye is my good eye, my ...

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when i updated my costume page

cosplay page updated yaaaaaah lots of animazement pics. check it out (under "cons") *crawls under desk*

when I posted our animazement 2002 recap

THURSDAY Picked up Ash, rode to grandmother's had dinner. Ride to Nashville was pretty uneventful. Got lost in Nashville. We passed the Clarion where mtac was last year - is it closed? Looked like it. If it is, good, because it had ugly wallpaper and mean employees and icky bathrooms. Got to hotel finally, went to sleep. FRIDAY Got up at 4:30 AM! O_O We did the "Park'n Fly" thing, ...

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Post Animazement 2002!

Well guys, Animazement was pretty fun. I'll have my report and pictures up this weekend. I'm really pleased with how my pics came out, this time. I was also very pleased with my costumes! I'll update our Xiaoyu pages, my lulu page, my misato page, and we got new pics of Ash's Meryl and Ranma costumes. For Otakon, Ash and I have decided to try and make a Yuna costume ...

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when i posted some animazement pics

Welllllll thanks a lot you stupid page... as soon as I email hispeed it comes back up. Now I'm going to get one of those "It comes up for us," emails. Bleh! I posted some pics I've found of ash and I at az in my livejournal, but here's a few more I've found: Ling Xiaoyus: She-Ra Misato Cosp/ACP 1, 2, 3 Lulu I wish I'd come on home with dad and ...

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Last minute

Well, folks. Ash and I are off to Animazement. Check out my livejournal for some various costume ramblings, but here's my tentative costume schedule: Friday - Xiaoyu, Misato Saturday - She-Ra, Lulu Sunday - Misato or Utena Ash will be wearing Xiaoyu, Ritsuko, and Ranma throughout the weekend, too. I can't wait!! See you guys there!

when it was animazement time!

Well folks, it's that time. I actually got everything done last night. We leave around 4 this afternoon, drive to my gramma's, drop off my clothes for next week & eat dinner with them, then go on to Nashville. Tomorrow morning we get up and fly out of Nashville around 7. We'll be arriving in Durham around 9:30... and then on to the convention ! :D We should get back into Nashville around 5 sunday ...

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Leaving for Animazement 2002

Yep, tomorrow at this time I'll be at Animazement :D I know this should go in my cosplay journal, but OH WELL! Xiaoyu... I'm pretty satisfied with Xiaoyu. I'll probably wear it most of the day friday, with Ash in her 1P Xiaoyu costume. Speaking of which, I painted the design on the back of Ash's Xiaoyu costume, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out :D Misato... I'm ...

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(it's a nerve inspired rant about Animazement... beware :P) I'm getting really really really nervous and excited. Next week!! It's next week!! I've already started packing. Gathering up costume pieces and putting all my makeup together and setting it inside my big suitcase. I'm taking two suitcases, a big one on loan from my gramma and my regular one... and I'll probably end up putting stuff in dad's suitcase, too. ...

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