Mon Mothma – Star Wars (Rogue One)

Made for: Dragon Con 2017

Background: Been wanting to a do Rogue One Mon Mothma, but Chase told me I had to finish Bespin Leia. So I finished Bespin Leia and then immediately made Mon Mothma.

Journal Entries: Read more at my Mon Mothma tag

Related Costumes: Breha Organa, Bail Organa

Patterns Used:
Butterick B4827 for under-dress. No pattern for the outer robe.

Outer Robe:

I’ve had this thin crinkle material for AGES… I bought it back in 2005/2006 for $1/yd off a remnant table, and used it as a mock-up/pattern for my last 3 Padme Lake dresses. So basically I had 4 large squares of this material. I decided it would work pretty well for Mon Mothma – and I figured after 3 versions of that dress, I don’t really need big rectangular pattern guides anymore LOL.

Since it was pretty thin I did line it. The front and back panels were just 2 large rectangles I sewed together, and then took in at the sides as needed, and cut a neckhole. I also gathered it a bit at the shoulder seams. The sleeves were also large rectangular pieces that (maybe more triangular once I trimmed the excess out?), once attached, I just hand-stitched the folds into.

Inner Dress:

I had a hard time finding fabric for this. I finally settled on a brown linen I liked the look of. I used the above pattern… no changes to it except to get rid of the train. It was pretty straight-forward.


My husband cut the two metal shoulder pieces out of craft metal for me, and drilled the holes for the cord to go through. He also sculpted the necklace piece for me. One those were finished, I sewed my braids into the right shape, added the rattail cord detail, and it was done. It was a lot of hand-sewing mostly. It velcros onto the dress at the shoulders.


I actually ended up with 2 wigs for this costume. I bought one that looked decent online, and it arrived and was ok. Not great, was going to take some wrestling to make it look right. Then Arda came out with a new undercut style (the “Kyle”) — so I bought that and it worked MUCH better. I took it to my hairstylist who trimmed it up for me. (it was SUPER thick!)

Mon Mothma?? Lining Front and back together Sleeves More sleeves

Underdress Poncho Poncho with braids Fit test Wig #2

Shoulder Medallions Braids finished Necklace work

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Please note that none of these costumes are for sale! This is my personal portfolio.