All kinds of fun

All kinds of fun stuff in my inbox today. 1. I got my MidSouthCon schedule! You can see me at 3 panels over the weekend. I'll post it up here closer to then. 2. Signed & sent back the release to Marvel for their call for Agent Carter cosplayers. Yay! 3. Disney Movie Club finally got me. After years of free stickers I finally gave in when they also offered a free Olaf blanket ...

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Sorry to anybody digging through my blog lately. For one thing, I know it's a mess because I haven't kept up with tags. Secondly, I must seem like a crazy person with my crazy happy Disney posts followed by my crazy sad Indy posts. That's just my life right now. I've gone through and hidden a lot of my sad posts. They'll still be there for me, but no one ...

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So yeah.... with that, Christmas was kind of an unhappy blur. She did get to spend Christmas with us - she got to go everywhere and see everybody and get lots of kisses from the whole family, so that was a blessing in the midst of everything. But, to attempt to focus on more happy stuff.... I got some really nice presents. Chase & my parents spoiled me. Christmas Eve ...

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I wrote a nice memorial post for Calvin when he passed last year. I can't do the same for Indy. There aren't the words. We said goodbye yesterday. She was my baby and a part of me is gone forever. She lived to be 18 years old. She got me through the worst of high school, through college, through 3 jobs, a marriage and 2 moves. I don't know what to do without ...

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Doctor Who… the hell cares?

(title taken from a MST3k riff and totally not meant to be dismissive.) I'm disenchanted with Doctor Who. When I first started watching, Series 5 with Matt Smith had JUST started. It took us a while to catch up to Series 5, but when we got there I was all excited by the prospect of a new doctor, a new companion, and new stories. I'd loved 9 and 10. I loved 8, too, and ...

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I had a nice holiday weekend. Thanksgiving itself was kinda crazy - we had TWO Thanksgiving lunches to go to that day, one at 11 and one at 1. So much foooood. Friday Luna went to the vet and got fixed! While waiting to pick her up, we went to see Big Hero 6 which was cute. I especially liked the short, Feast. When we got Luna home and opened up her cat ...

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Things I don’t understand

In today's issue of things I don't understand... Who decided that radio station DJs should spend morning rush hour talking, calling people and sharing their inane opinions? Just play some damn music and keep your thoughts about the latest internet memes or "goofy news" to yourself.

Halloween and Costume Commissions

Hi everyone, For those of you coming across my site in search of Halloween costumes to purchase or for help on Halloween costumes, this post is just a gentle reminder that I do not sell my costumes, and I am not open to take commissions for custom costumes at this time (and, due to my relatively new job, I am not sure if I will have time to do commissions ...

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Sims 4 Thoughts

So I said I wasn't going to buy it. But then I bought it. I had read about how "downgraded" Sims 4 was going to be - and still being very much into the Sims 3, I figured, why waste my time? It actually kinda sounded awful. But then I read a review that said that yes, the world is smaller, there's not as much stuff - and that was a good ...

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So Friday I went and got my haircut, and he also cleaned up my Donna wig for me, and forbade me from every putting scissors to a wig again, LOL. I had to go home a funky way, because of awful construction mess on the freeway. It was rush hour and even my back way was slow going, probably took twice as long to get home as it would have ...

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