when the kids were too darn cute

I faltered a little bit today - we went in our princess costumes to visit a pre-kindergarten class (about 3 years old - all boys) and they were all so adorable. They were all wearing little hats that looked like dogs and it just killed me. I wanted to scoop them all up and bring them home with me! But now all is back to normal, I got over it and ...

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when i hated cossies

I really hate the word "Cossies" in place of costumes. It annoys me. I overlook it when people use it when talking to me, but everytime I run across it online it makes me want to shoot myself. Or someone else. (2016 EDIT: It's 2016 and I still hate this word. Thankfully it seems to have died off.)

when i rebelled against new systems

We got a new shipping system at work. I hate it beyond words. Today I unhooked it and set our old one back up. :) To think I used to hate this old system!

when a security guard got in my face

At Dragoncon, they have, in the past couple of years, had a ban on photography from like, 7-11 (or something like that) at night in the Hyatt. I completely understand their reasons for this (fire marshall - taking pics clogs up the paths too much, and there's not much room over there). So I'm fine with the ban, I don't really care. This year, we just went and hung over ...

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when daisy came home

Today's been a good birthday! :) Nothing major. Most of my birthday stuff is this weekend. Had a small party at work today. But best part was I went with my aunt to help her pick out a new doggie at the Humane Society! She totally clicked with a 5yr old lab mix mutt named Scout. Black and tan, and knee high, very sweet. She went home with them this afternoon, ...

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when i got a tacky hat

So yesterday I met up with Mema and Daddy Bob for a quick little birthday thing. Kristie fixed cupcakes for me, since I'm getting my beloved Miss Muffin cake at work tomorrow, and another at home tomorrow night. The cupcakes were awesome - they had Spider-man cupcake paper thingies, and I got a Spider-man candle! I got some money, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy DVD, the Slave Leia Christmas ornament, ...

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when i got an inappropriate catalogue

OMG. I just got home from school and got the mail in... and this was this Playboy catalogue in the mail!! Addressed to me! It's like a lingerie catalogue or something! I mean, ew! I have to take it to work tomorrow so we can all laugh at it.

when i got flying circus

Tomorrow is the day I finally get my birthday present from my grandma. She bought it for me like, months and months ago, so I've been waiting for this day for a while! Oh yes, it's the Complete Monty Python's Flying Circus Megaset. YAY. I also asked for the Firefly DVD set. I haven't seen any of it, but as I said before I know I'll like it, so it's ...

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when i had to unpack

I found my embroidery sample, finally. Kes had gotten it, I think - it was under the ottoman. Today was fairly nice. I saw my grandparent's new house, it was very cute! I really like it. I'm glad they've moved. I finally got my boxes back (they've been at my aunt's house since they came back from FedEx) - I'm dreaded unpacking them. I just threw everything in the boxes ...

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when people were crazy

Someone just told me I look like Christina Aguilera (or however you spell it) again - that's just weird. It's a compliment and I take it as such, but still, um. I don't look anything like her. At all.