a stupid meme

This is a meme where you ask your husband/boyfriend these questions with no explanation. I'm doing it because it's my blog and I do what I want. Here's Chase's answers. What is something I always say to you? “Will you rub my back?" What makes me happy? Fries, Disney, Puppies, new clothes What makes me sad? Also puppies LOL How old am I? redacted but he got it wrong ...

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Oh Lyman!

Yesterday apparently a lady with a first name similar to mine and a last name similar to what i go by on the internet bought a new car in Oxford, MI -- I know this, because either she or the dealership misspelled her email and I'm getting the emails about it at my kelldar gmail. I had to tell myself not to take the customer satisfaction survey because that would ...

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I have no idea what happened at 6 AM this morning but it sounded like a shotgun right in our backyard. I was laying in bed half-awake (thanks, migraine) and immediately yelled for Chase, who was sitting in the living room on the couch. He apparently bolted off the couch and scared the cat and ran into the bedroom to get a flashlight. Of course since the time change it's still ...

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Christmas pics!

Yay Christmas! Thursday was Christmas Eve day in Jackson. Lunch with present openings! Got Disney gift cards, cute shirts and jacket, a calendar, etc. One of my fav things was this lightsaber (picture over the cool Marvel shirt I got) Ok so it's not really a lightsaber, it's a flashlight with an emergency window-breaking hammer on the end for your car, but it looks totally like a lightsaber and that's ...

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This week

Work is pointless this week. I just want it to be Star Wars, and then I just want it to be Christmas. I feel like I didn't even get a Christmas last year, what with Indy being sick and all. It's CHRISTMAS! And STAR WARS! And I want work to just be quiet so I can STAR WARS but noooooo there's fires to put out every time I turn around.


Who the heck posted my stupid Sims 4 Pitstain Family story on facebook??? I'm cracking up. Conclusion to their story was I got bored once they got in the big house and stopped playing again. The End. LOL

The Pitstains

So, I'm trying to play Sims 4 again. I've had it for a while, and I just have not been able to get into it at all. I play for like, 10 minutes and then turn it off. (I feel like I ought to just uninstall it and put Sims 3 back on my computer.) But I really felt like playing so I have dug in and stuck with it. One of my ...

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Oh hi blog

Sorry I haven't posted in a while! Been busy... my birthday and then Las Vegas! Let me go back through my phone photos and see what I've missed. I got some very important fabric and a very important pattern (no clue what I'm doing with any of this, I just got it all for the stash.) And then I had a great birthday! My parents & Chase got me a ...

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Disney trivia!

We went to 90s Disney trivia at rec room last night at Rec Room. I'd never been there nor done any kind of trivia! My friend Lauren had rented out a living room space for us, so in between rounds we got to sit around and play mario kart and super smash brothers on the giant screen. It was awesome. I think there were about 8 teams total. Our team name ...

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The Zombie Apocalypse

This morning I was awakened by a loud thunderstorm. Lots of wind, thunder, rain. I love cuddling back up into bed with storm going on, so I was happy. But the weird thing was, just last night I had checked the weather app to look at this week's weather to see if there was any rain in the forecast - and I swear it said 0% chance all week, including today. ...

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