our anniversary… zoo trip!

Yesterday was a lot of fun. We went to the zoo in the morning. Luckily the weather was nice in the morning and we had a good time. The bears were playing in the water right by the windows, we saw the sealion show and the zebras were actually running around. Chase got me a couple of penguins in the gift store. We left around 1 and went out in the ...

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puzzle puzzle + Donna updates

Have I ever mentioned how much I love uploading puzzle photos to flickr? I know probably about 70% of the people who follow me on flickr are creepers only following me for pics of girls in costume, so I love to be like, "HERE LOOK AT MY PUZZLES" I finally got some puzzle glue to glue Ophelia together - they didn't have the kind I usually get, so I settled for ...

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Hippolyta Progress

I got the upper part of my bodice cut out of my leather and put together, and started doing sketches on it. I'm going to finalize the sketches today and draw them on tonight. I just barely had enough leather. Chase tried to tickle me while I was walking away from him in the kitchen last night. I jerked away and my sleeve got caught on the edge of the ...

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3 random thoughts

1. there was a guy on a our plane to Seattle. He was wearing old jeans that were short and tight at the ankles, plain white tennis shoes, and a white wife beater (with some faded beach scene on the front). To top it off, he was wearing a red velvet smoking jacket, with black collar and sash tie. YOU STAY CLASSY. 2. The No-Man-Left-Behind rule is what I call it when ...

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now and then

This past weekend I was home alone. Chase was in Reelfoot taking pics. I spent the weekend working on stuff, and I had a shower Saturday afternoon. I spent saturday night at my parent's house, and helped mom with her costumes for her upcoming play. Sunday I wasn't feeling good, I think I had a sinus thing going on, so I came home and slept for a while. When Chase ...

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last night i dreamt i was on a road trip with my grandparents. We were out in the country and spent the night at my old high school. I got up in the morning and went into the bathroom, and when I did I left my blanket in there. As we were packing up I went back to get it, and when I did, I realised that all the shelves ...

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tudor/royalty/etc books

someone on formspring asked me about which tudor era books I like. Before I answer I thought I'd just type up a list of what books I've read- I'm including all "royalty" books just because :) Unfortunately it's not a complete list, since some of mine are out on loan, or I've borrowed books from people so I don't have them here, and of course I can't remember them all. I'm ...

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It's snowing AGAIN! I don't know man. Got to leave work early though so that's a plus. I've got quite a few costumes I could do some nice shots of out in the snow. We don't get a lot of snow here - usually it's only like once a year if that - so when it does it's a great opportunity to get Snowtrooper or Snowbunny Padme shots. In my 10 ...

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Tim Gunn quotes

These are quotes that stood out to me from Tim Gunn's book "Gunn's Golden Rules." A lot of them really struck a chord with me so I wanted to share. "I reflect on manners, or the lack of them, each and everyday. There are times when I want to stop the world for a moment and ask certain people some probing questions (....) in the Internet age, even the very word ...

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sims 3, photos, reading, etc

I've been reading Tim Gunn's "Gunn's Golden Rules" this week, I got it for Christmas and it's really good. I actually broke out the highlighter and have been highlighting parts I like, so I can post some of my fav quotes here when I'm done. In my office I've been planning on having a little collage of some of my fav costume pics. I've got a fair number of frames (...

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