when the credits rolled fast
Dude, could they show the credits any faster? heh...
Dude, could they show the credits any faster? heh...
Spike? wtf is wrong with your hair?!
Hee!! There was a Rincewind at dragoncon that I didn't see! I wanted dad to go as Rincewind but he hasn't read those books. I think he'd do it if I really wanted him to... so maybe next year? And here's a nice one of me & Ash... I really like this pic. I got a bonus point in class today. The teacher showed us a slide, and says, "Who ...
Am watching Buffy. Leave me alone. Heee! Giles is riding a horse.
Hee I also updated the daily sketch. who knew? I can't decide if I want to go to target or barnes & noble before I go to work. I have gift certificates for each... but now I've got something to read... and I want Kingdom Hearts... but I don't like to go to Target alone 'cause I can never get anyone to help me in the electronics department and I ...
I'm sitting here at work... nothing to do at the moment. Will scan in something for the daily sketch when I get home this afternoon! I'm rereading A Wrinkle in Time for the first time in... oh, four or five years? That's a long time for a book that has always has a place on my everchanging bookshelf. I'm rereading it 'cause I saw that A Ring of Endless Light ...
HA YAY!! Friday I went to check the PO box and there was a big envelope inside!! A birthday card from Tanja! Tanja you rule :D And Brenna made this cool Britan!!! Thanks guys!!!!!! :D :D And thanks to everyone who wished me happy bday, it was a good one THANK YOU!!!!!!! XD A run down of the past couple of days... Friday... got the day off, and it was ...
Boy, today was... kinda sad. First, I found out Na and Kristie couldn't come to my dinner tonight. :( Dropped my film off at walgreen's before going to work, and told them I wanted next day instead of one hour. Then I got to the car and thought, well, why couldn't I pick it up before heading to dinner? I'd have time, that walgreen's is pretty much right next door to ...
Ahoy there Rebecca! Aye, I got yer doubloons, tomorrow I shall send those dogs out with me buckos Alicey's and Sannali's onboard! Arrr, that scurvy scaliwag me mum made reservations at the Melting Pot, me favourite! Shiver me timbers, if me hearties don't show we have to give them $80! What bilge! Scupper that! Arr. I need to find me pants but they are in me car.
*sticks cold feet against your leg* Ah. Today was odd. I got to work about 10:15, and there was a guy there doing an internal audit. So I couldn't go back there and pack, and everybody else was too busy to really give me something to do. So I ended up sitting in my aunt's office until about 1 doodling on paper. I have four daily sketches now... just got to scan ...