
So mom and I have been working on a simplified version of Glinda's "Popular" dress from Wicked. I keep saying it's a theater project, but it's not really for a play - but it's for a theater related project. Anyway, we went a few weeks ago and picked out fabric, and mom has been working on the skirt. I'm in charge of the bodice. I sent the lining off with ...

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Christmas tree!

So Thursday night Chase had a meeting but I really wanted to decorate the house for Christmas, so I attempted to do it on my own. Everything kinda went ok, I managed to get the tree up by myself and got all the lights on. And then I decided I hated all the lights so, so much. The problem with our Christmas tree lights is we always only buy 1 or 2 ...

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Various art and stuff

Ok really there's no "and stuff"... it's just art. But the title seemed too short. First up is this Edith sketch from a month ago. I started colouring a while back but I got bored and haven't finished it. Don't know if I will so I thought I'd go ahead and upload it. Maybe I'll at least finish her hand, put some blood/weathering on the dress, half-ass a background ...

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Some more art

I finished up the other two Disney princesses the last couple of days: Cinderella, meh, she was my least fav of the 4 I did. Snow White. I've also gotten all of the art pages/galleries finished and updated so if you wander into the art link in the menu above, it should be easier to navigate. As soon as we get back from Disney, I'm jumping back into Bespin Leia. ...

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Is it Disney time yet???

So Friday and I had my "re-do" of my doctor's appointment from earlier in the year - the one I had the panic attack at and they sent me away! No panic attacks this time. BP was still high but not as bad as last time. It's over and done with for a year! But I for the past couple of weeks I've totally been stuck, like everything in my ...

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the word “sketch” holds no meaning

Like literally over the past few days I've typed the word "sketch" so many times to tag posts that it no longer looks like a legitimate word, it looks weird and wrong. SKETCH SKETCH SKETCH But I'm all done going back through the archives of my blog and adding in all the old stuff. Enjoy at your own risk and dear GOD I drew a lot in 1998. (And funny, going ...

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A Gigantic Dump of Artwork

So I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I knew I had "a couple" of sketchbooks in the attic at my parents, that I'd seen them once when I had to go up there a few months ago. I wanted to go over and grab them and see what was in them, mostly driven by knowing that some of my older artwork was lost. When I dug into the ...

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Lots of art stuff today

Sorry I haven't posted recently, I've really been buckled down trying to finish up the website! I'm almost there! First off, here's some more from the SW art project... POE! I was blessed with a good reference for this for his face. I really like how it came out. BB8! I said I wasn't going to do the droids but... BB8 is so cute. And I actually like how it ...

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Where did I leave off?

Let's see, what art have I not posted yet? Han! I'm pretty pleased with this one. Oola. I'm ambivalent. It was hard to find good, clear references at the angle I wanted. Aayla! I like this one. It was fun. Anakin... not crazy about it. I left it alone for a couple of days before coming back to finish it and I'm still not 100% pleased about it. Kylo Ren.... hooooly ...

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Some jedi, and a traitor

Last night I drew up old Obi-Wan... Then Qui-Gon... this one is another fav. Ahsoka! I used a shot of the Disneyworld Ahsoka as a reference. And Finn! Lastly, I had started on an Anakin but I'm not terribly happy with it, I may start all over on it.