Dragoncon Stories: That Time I Won

So far all of my Dragoncon 2003 stories sound a whole lot like whining. I promise you that isn't true. All of these stories make me laugh, then and now. But just to balance out some of the whining-type stories, here's a less complain-y one. Dragoncon 2002, Ash and I had missed out on Evening at Bree. We had wanted to go, gone downstairs and stood in line, but after a volunteer ...

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Dragoncon Stories: That Time My Wings Messed Stuff Up

I actually talked about this pretty recently in my blog, but here's the whole story in its entirety. So, I'd been wearing Belldandy to every single convention that year, including shipping those wings to Dallas, Anaheim, and now Atlanta. After the Star Wars costume contest that saturday at Dragoncon, I rushed back to our hotel room - mostly to get out of my Padme headdress, as I mentioned last story ...

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Dragoncon Stories: That Time I Was Green and it Sucked

This is the last story I can think of from our first Dragoncon; my body paint issue. I've talked about it before, but here it goes again. So I'd been wanting to do my Ocha costume for a while by that point. I finally decided to dig in and do it for Dragoncon, since it seemed a better fit for that con than the anime cons I'd previously been going ...

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Dragoncon Stories: That Time We Went Through the Photo Gauntlet

Today I'm going to tell yall about the photo gauntlet. Dragoncon 2002's masquerade was not my first costume contest, but as it was my first Dragoncon, it was my first time participating in their masquerade. Ash and I signed up just for fun, because - back then, we ALWAYS did some kind of costume contest (we'd done Urd and Skuld in the hall costume contest at Otakon just a couple ...

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Dragoncon 2014 Song

Every year I end up picking out a song that is my "dragoncon song" for the year. A song gets to be a "dragoncon song" by either being something I've played a lot over the summer while working on costumes, or just because it makes me think of dragoncon. I thought I'd put together a playlist of my dragoncon songs. 1. 1,2,3,4, Sumpin' New (Coolio) - This is 2014's song. 2. Get Lucky (...

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Dragoncon Room Got

Booked our Marriott room for Dragoncon 2014 way too easily this morning. Am extremely suspicious.

Dragoncon 2013!

Well I've been home from Dragoncon for a few days but haven't posted a thing here - sorry! It was a good year. Even though I felt like i was a day ahead the whole time (Thursday felt like Friday, Friday felt like Saturday) by the end of it, it felt like it had rushed by way too fast. I was so bummed on Monday because I didn't want it ...

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Updated: Dragoncon 2013 Schedule

All right! We leave for DragonCon in a week, so here's my final costume list, and a semi-schedule. (Sorry, the image that was originally here was lost in a server move. I replaced it with an older one that doesn't quite match up but still kinda works.) Wednesday night: Batgirl - private photoshoot Thursday: Early evening - Romana I for a photoshoot Late evening - Fionna Friday: Morning: Belle Afternoon: ...

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in reality

I keep trying to put together some kind of dragoncon costume schedule to post, so people can know when I'm wearing what. today I realised that this is really my dragoncon schedule: 1. wear costumes 2. nap 3. wear costumes 4. tequila shots so yeah, im just going to post that when anyone asks

FAQ Friday Part Two: DragonCon

(this post was updated 12/27/13 with new post-Dragoncon 2013 info!) I'm doing two FAQ Fridays today, since someone asked about DragonCon, and I want to post it before the con this year! Today's question is... Do you have any tips for a newbie attending DragonCon for the first time this year? (more…)