MidSouthcon schedule

Friday - we will not be at the con on friday, since the Tigers play at 9 that night. Saturday - we hope to get there early in the morning, 8:30, 9ish. sat morn: Belle library dress sat afternoon (whenever we are able to get into our room): scarlet witch sat even: ewok village leia sat late even: i might bring slave leia to put on much later that night. i dunno. ...

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Con Nooga 2008 Pics

Ok, sorry it's taken me so long to get to this. We've just been so busy! We didn't take many - we were very lazy about pics. I was not in a good mood because I went to put my green Belle dress on saturday morning- and the sleeves looked horrible. That's what I get for waiting last minute, I guess. So I didn't wear it. I was really disappointed. ...

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Adventurecon 2007 Pics!

I'll start with Friday :) Indy wanted to go! We loaded up (again, after getting permission to borrow my aunt's car!) and set off. We made pretty good time, got in around 9:30, I think? Checked in, found everybody, then unloaded the car and hit the sack, because we were really tired after the drive! Saturday morning we got up early, Chase put on Vader, I put on Hoth Leia, and we ...

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Adventurecon 2007 schedule

We don't know what time we're getting there friday night - we're hoping chase can get a halfday off work so we can leave memphis by noon or one. If we do that, then i'll be able to have time to go to the con that night -- if not, we won't be able to leave memphis until like, 6 -- and that will put us in at around midnight or ...

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MTAC 2007 Pics!

So MTAC was pretty much ok. Like I said in my previous post, I wore Belle, then Utena -- I need to fix the waistband on Belle, as I said last post. Also, it was too darn cold to wear the shoes I brought to wear with this!! LOL I opted for my tennis shoes instead! Link is ambushed by Mario and Luigi! I wrote pretty much everything I needed ...

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Hello from MTAC 2007!

Relaxing in the room here at MTAC for a moment. So far it's been pretty good. My only complaint about the con itself was finding out "no weapons allowed" just as we got to the door of the dealer's room - after standing in line for 30 minutes to get there. They said I could check my sword (my fragile Utena sword -- I don't trust anyone to handle it but ...

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MidsouthCon 2007 pics!

Friday, I did indeed wear Arwen, and got a few new pics. I went without the wig most of the time, only put it on for the pictures. I wore Susan first thing Saturday morning - it was quite interesting having to drive the 45 minutes to the con hotel while wearing this (I didn't wear the wig while I was driving, though, LOL) Friday I discovered that Death of Rats ...

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MidSouthCon and MTAC 2007 schedule

Friday afternoon/night: Arwen red dress Sat morning: ceremonial Leia Sat afternoon: WW sat evening: Padme Lake late night sat: Slave Leia (very) rough MTAC costume list: Ceremonial Leia, Belle winter dress, Utena, Starfire I'll wear Starfire whenever the other Teen Titans are planning on wearing theirs. I may also take Ozma, if I can fix the crown. Kevin is going to bring Luke, Napoleon (LOL) and his new Link. ...

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Costume & Convention Plans

Weekend after next is St Patrick's Day; we're planning on going to Atlanta again for their big parade, with the 501st/RL. I'm - hopefully - wearing Queen Amidala, the parade dress. After the mixup last year I'm a little skittish about things falling through again. On top of that, a bunch of our local members have decided not to go. We're still going; I'm just not all that excited ...

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The Time my Granddad Went to an Anime Convention

When I went to Katsucon 2003 (my first year there), my grandparents went with me. Obviously my grandparents know nothing about anime, and I thought they might go sight-see or something on saturday, but they didn't - they just kinda hung out, and, I think, had a relatively good time. Well, saturday afternoon rolls around, and I ask my granddad if there's anyway he can get a parent badge or something, ...

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