i can see clearly now

I'm not 100% done... still have one very important thing to finish and one thing i want to do if I have time... but I have finished the dress and the bags and the magnets and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. So of course I sewed alllll last week. I was honestly feeling a bit frantic. Here's the top as of last Tuesday. I decided ...

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watch out for snakes

Well I am back on track but really feeling the time crunch. My fabric and interfacing all finally came in and I dug into the bag project. These took longer than I thought; it took about an hour and half each purse just to sew them into the frames -- mostly because I had so much trouble getting the needle back up through the hole from the wrong side so ...

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snowmageddon – the revenge

Well I didn't expect last Monday's snow to completely wreck my entire week of sewing, but it did. I was expecting 2 shipments of interfacing - 1 of a lighter weight for the bags and 1 of a medium weight for the Star Wars dress. And as I mentioned in last week's post, I ordered a couple more yards of the Star Wars fabric and hallelujah they shipped right away and were supposed ...

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I just realized I didn't post last week. I don't think I had anything to say LOL Not much has been going on. The head cold I had over New Year's came BACK with another round of stuffy nose and drainage. Bleh. It started snowing yesterday and hasn't stopped! This morning: And the amazing part... no ice! I can't remember the last time we got snow with no ice to ...

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Mid-Century Leia Art Project

Finally posting these! So last fall I wanted a "reference" I could use for my Dapper Day Leia dresses (senatorial and bespin), so I decided I'd just draw them, starting with senatorial and using the vintage pattern illustration as inspiration. I did Senatorial and Bespin and then thought, I have all these other ideas for Dapper Leia looks that I know I'm not going to have the time or money ...

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im not sick but im not well

Another weird week. Didn't go out for New Year's - that's not new, we haven't gone out in years - but we also still didn't have Christmas because half the family is still covid positive. My mom finally tested negative this morning. Last week we had Cath & family staying with us for a couple of days. We really need to roll back the carpet in Kevin's room, tighten up ...

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2023 Costume Wrap-Up

All rightie it's that time of the year when we compare last year's to-do list and see what I got done. At the end of 2022, here's what I said I wanted to accomplish in 2023... 1. Finish Wedding Leia -- YES! I did finish wedding Leia! 2. Rebels Leia -- YES! I have been saying I was going to do this for a few years and I can finally mark it off now. 3. ...

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let’s have a covid christmas

As I mentioned in last week's posts, I had a stomach bug or something last week after getting back from NYC. Even after getting past the pukey-ness and stomach cramps, I still was exhausted and had no appetite. Saturday we had to run a few errands and that was the end of that day for me. We were supposed to have family game night that night but I was too ...

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The not NY Post

So like I said, I didn't post last week, just didn't have much to say and we were busy getting ready for the trip. Not a lot happened out side of trip preparation, so I'll just touch the few highlights. First off I got sick as soon as we got home from NY Tuesday night. I was up all night sick to my stomach in a way I have not ...

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The New York Post

Get it? The New York Post? Haha Sorry I didn't post last week; didn't have much to say and we were busy getting ready to leave -- but I will make a separate post of updates after this one, just to have the vacation content separate from everything else. So let's start with Wednesday! We went out to my parents' house, picked them up and headed to the airport. We ...

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