
This is also some non-Sunday stuff, but it's mostly Sunday. I spent the morning being lazy because I was so tired (and sore) from Saturday. Chase actually got out and did some yard work. Then we went and had lunch, picked up stuff for dinner, ran some of dad's equipment out to him (we loaded up in both our cars the night before). Then I came to do the 3rd ...

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Sgt Pepper!

This will be a two parter today, I'll separate out costume and art stuff so this post isn't quite so massive. So last week/this weekend was very busy while we were getting ready and finishing things up for the Sgt Pepper show. Friday night took a break to watch the RPDR finale (Yay!) then back at it - Saturday morning got up, headed on out to my parents' house ...

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A giant art post

Yes it's a huge art dump. Well huge by today's standards, not so much by like... me circa 2001 standards. First up is a Amidala picture I've been working on for a while... I got bored after I finished the face so I'd do just a little bit each day because I didn't really feel like doing the rest LOL but I pushed through and it's finally done. It's a re-do ...

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what a weekend

So it was a weird weekend. I didn't get much done, costume-wise. I had Friday off. Luna was SHOCKED when I walked out of the bedroom at 9AM. Like, "Wtf are you doing here?!" "Seriously go away you are ruining my groove." Friday I went swimming and finally got to break in my new WW swimsuit. The top could use some more work - I think next time I have ...

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A meme

because it's been a loooooooooooooong day and I'm bored. Name 4 cosplays you've done: I'm going to try to name as many costumes as possible while only using 4 names. 1. Princess Leia (19) 2. Padme (11) 3. Belle (9) 4. Donna Noble (6) Got 45 costumes just out of those 4 names LOL God that sounds obsessive. Name 4 dream cosplays you want to do one day: 1. Another Queen Amidala 2. Revamped She-Ra 3. a Downton Abbey costume. started one a couple of years ...

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a dye test

Last night I re-did Mon Mothma's sleeves because I realized I'd done them a little wrong - thankfully nothing difficult to fix. I don't feel like figuring out the necklace thingie D: I am lazy. I don't want to do any crafting. I just want to sew. NO CRAFT ONLY SEW So since I didn't feel like messing with that I did a dye test on the linen blend I ...

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Happy Monday!

Hey I have apparently never called a post "Happy Monday" before, so I got that going for me, which is nice. Started off the weekend with a bang when I broke a crown eating lunch on friday. I've already had so much dental work this year and so much more to come that it's just like, piling on. At least I'll be close to my deductible after the next round ...

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Swatch Watch 2017

Have my swatches arrived? Maybe one day I'll get to do this costume....

Dragoncon Thoughts

So yes, I'm doing DragonCon this year. A little more than last year but still not going up to the full week we used to do. Planning on driving in Friday morning and home Sunday night, staying in Cat's room. Ash is probably going with me, Chase is staying home. So at the moment I'm thinking of taking: Bespin Leia - still need to tweak it Mon Mothma TFA Blue ...

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happy friday

1. Got my car fixed. I won't go into the whole story but it's been having this "burping" problem since right before Celebration. We drove to Orlando and back with the "burping" - realized we did need to get it looked at but put it off until it died on me in traffic last week. Took it in Tuesday. $345 later it's fixed and running nicely again. Thankful it wasn't a bigger ...

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