Disney Projects Updates

Because I have anxiety brain and making lists of fun things is calming. Chip and Dale: So of course, Dale has been 95% done for ages now. I finally hemmed the top and put the zipper in last month, and finally finished the hat, too. So it's wearable as is, but I had wanted to do something other accessories for it, and also get new shoes, so... I bought a new ...

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young rich & tasteless

Just one more week before Daylight Savings Time. I can't wait. I hate the current state of light right now. I've been having to pin a blanket over my work office window in the mornings because of the light stabbing me in the face every morning. Also I like the summer "time" best. So last week was... rough. I was mentally not in a good headspace, like maybe the worst ...

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here we are again

Another week of fresh hell. I'm so tired of this timeline. But in good news my parents are getting their vaccine today and we have our second shot scheduled for this Saturday. Yay, I guess. I mean I'm glad to have it but the doom-loving news just keeps telling us that nothing will ever be back to normal even with a vaccine so I kinda just want to jump off ...

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all for freedom & for pleasure

Well we are over here thawing out after the snow. When I posted Wednesday I talked about how much snow we'd gotten on Monday - well we got WAY MORE on wednesday! It ended up being a record - most snow we've had in something like 53 years?? Crazy! The backyard Wednesday night: The cove Thursday morning: So yeah Chase was off work again Thursday. He went in Friday, got stuck ...

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walking in a winter horrorland

Hey look... I'm posting on a Wednesday, only 2 days after I last posted... what is this, 2001?! Well a lot has happened since I posted on Monday. The "snowpcalypse" was no joke. This is the most snow I've seen here in... possibly decades? Remember that pic of our cove on Sunday that I had in the last post? This one: Here it is Monday at 11:30: Wow! And it kept snowing like ...

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white out

It's Monday again... it's snowing with a wind chill of NEGATIVE 3 WTF... but I'm in a good mood because... WE GOT OUR VACCINES SATURDAY NIGHT!! Yes it's just the first of two but I'm SO EXCITED and relieved to have this shot. Obviously we are not in any of the groups currently getting vaccines - we aren't healthcare workers/first responders/over 75 - but we got a lucky break. We ...

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mini muffin monday morning

I got a pack of mini muffins at the grocery saturday to have for breakfast the rest of the week. This morning I wasn't thinking and brought the entire tray up to my work from home office (instead of bringing 1 or 2). They're tempting me to eat more than I should. Anyway I actually have some sewing stuff to post this week. First up, Chase's Chip jacket is mostly finished: I ...

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i cant think

I can't think of a title. But here we are with another low-effort week. I really have nothing much to post today. I finished my hat. I ended up having to take the top part off, take it apart, cut it in half (height-wise), put it back together and sew it back on. It was just too tall and made the hat look pirate-y. See last week's picture. Also the ...

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That's the only thing I'm feeling today. Is arrrgh. I just want the world to go back to normal. And I never want to hear the phrases "mask up" "in these difficult times" "flatten the curve" "new normal" "stay the eff at home" ever again. Also if some filmmaker 20 years from now decides to make some Oscar-bait movie about the coronavirus pandemic you couldn't PAY me to watch it. I ...

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i need a fix

Hey look I'm posting twice in one week. Because I've got disney on the brain and need to dump it all out in a post. So I'm feeling pretty good about our re-re-re-scheduled Disney trip (was May 2020, then Nov 2020, now April 2021) is actually going to happen this time. While I know there's still going to be restrictions and masks (ugh) I think things will have calmed down by then and ...

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