hey 2022

Somebody pointed out that you can sing "2022" to the beginning bit of the Scooby Doo theme song and that's all I can think of. Not really a lot to share today because I spent most of the long weekend putting up christmas (or, taking it upstairs at least), cleaning the house, my sewing room, etc. Thursday night we did the last photoshoot for the year. I was going to shoot 4 ...

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this is why i don’t skip posting weekly

I really can't remember what all has happened since I last posted, it's all too much. Christmas was nice. I'm just going to kinda go through my photos in the order they're in and talk about them. First up here is my favourite gift bag. I almost gave it away this year but kept it again. I just like taking it out of our christmas wrapping bin and looking at ...

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2021 Wrap-Up

omg hi I haven't posted this week. I was trying to wait til I had all the new photoshoot pics uploaded, and now that I've got them I'm like... augh I haven't done my wrap-up post for this year! So I'm doing this first instead of a regular post and I'll do a post about Christmas next. So at the end of 2020 here's what I wanted to accomplish in 2021: 1. Star ...

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go away sun

The good: I have seen Spider-man and it was glorious. I was already somewhat spoiled (by choice. I was digging through marvel subreddits for months sniffing out details) but it was so much more than I thought it was going to be and very emotional. Loved it. Definitely best Spider-man. The bad: today is my uncle's funeral. :( The good: This weekend we got to hang out with Ash for her ...

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it’s beginning to look a lot like f this

Yeah I didn't post last week. Monday I was just really busy and was like, I'll do it Tuesday. Then I was still busy Tuesday so I thought I'll do it Wednesday. Then Wednesday morning my uncle Mike was shot during a carjacking. I think one of my cousins had the most accurate response to being told - "Out of all the things I was thinking you were going to ...

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anything goes

Well I can't log-in to my site from chrome. It keeps giving me some cookie error which is apparently a common error but looking at the fixes on some website I found just makes my brain go fuzzy. So we're working from firefox today. Let's see, the first photo in my uploads today is an Utena pic so we'll start there. I didn't get as much sewing done this weekend ...

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i am thankful for short work weeks

Oh hi here I am back again with absolutely no Utena updates. My red fabric is supposed to arrive today finally. Then I have to get my brain back up to speed on the project. I know it's only been like 2 weeks I haven't done anything on it but that's long enough for me to forget where I was going with it. Tuesday last week we went to see the ...

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it’s a very monday monday

Actually it was a very-Monday Sunday too. But work has been vicious today and I'm already over it. Luna did not make this mess. I did, she only sat in the middle of it. I'm a bit stuck on Utena at the moment. Got nothing done this weekend except I cut out the sleeves and collar. I spent about 3 nights last week pleating the underskirt, deciding it was too long, ...

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hello strange person

So here's a fun fact about facebook for you. I've been trying to "lessen" my facebook footprint for a while, deleting photos, removing anything personal, and the other day I decided to start removing pages I've liked, especially since I "liked" a ton of random cosplay pages back in the day when doing "like for like" things with people in various groups and they're not actually people I know. And ...

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this is halloween

Whoo! It's been a busy few days! First up, we finished the new tombstones! Gravestones? Headstones. What is the best term. I like Tombstones best. And we got some lights for night time. Thursday was the Pink Palace event. After work I decided I had time to take a quick nap before I got ready. Took my nap, went to start doing my makeup and for the second time could ...

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