superb owl

oh hi there Leia is pretty much done. I sewed down the support ribbon in the center back, finished sewing on the swirls on the lower sleeves, and i finALLY tried it all on to mark off where I need to cut and attach the ribbon belt. I haven't done the belt attachments yet - that will be tonight. But i'd been avoiding doing that for a while just because ...

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eyes without a face

I've had Eyes Without a Face stuck in my head all morning and I have no idea why. Before I dive into sewing news let's talk about the generic life stuff. Ice storm last week, again. Fun. Saturday things were cleared up and warmer so we went out to run some errands and also checked out some places we've never been. Also discovered this: This was by the dumpster at ...

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kill the headlights and put it in neutral

Guess what! I actually come to you today with sewing updates. It's not a LOT to show but I did get a good amount done and it's making me feel good about at least having the dress done by next weekend. Note I said dress, not costume... lol I FINALLY got the back floral pieces cut. That's kinda why I kept delaying this, I was a little scared to cut ...

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photoshoot – round 2

Oh hey so yeah I totally didn't post last week. Monday was crazy busy I was like, I'll just do it tomorrow and then I forgot. Not like I really had much to post about anyway. Outside of the photoshoot I have basically done nothing except play Star Wars Lego. Let's start with the interesting stuff - photoshoot results! Hild Ok so Hild even after being let out does not ...

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adventures in old costumes – again

Hey if you saw my photoshoot post from Friday you might have seen me mention I wanted to do another photoshoot day while everything was still set up... Well we're doing it this weekend. What am I shooting? First up - HILD! I've had Hild on my list to get shot for a looooong time because in the back of my brain I'm always like "you can't wear Urd again ...

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photoshoot pics yay

Well it took me longer than I thought to get the rest of these cropped and uploaded but here they are at last. Started the shoot with Dapper Leia because I wanted my "real hair" costumes to go first. I forgot to do any pics with my sunglasses but not too upset about it because I really didn't like the sunglasses I bought for these, they were too skinny. Next ...

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no resolutions

I generally don't make New Year's resolutions anymore, but I saw somebody say their resolution is to "pet more dogs" and that's what I'm going to use from now on if anybody asks about my new year's resolution. I didn't post last week which was not great because now I have to try to remember everything that happened Christmas weekend. Work just ended up being super busy the day I ...

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Not a lot to talk about this week. Last night I did officially finish all the hems on wedding Leia but it doesn't look any different than last time I posted it so I haven't taken a new picture. But it means tonight I can start working the ribbon trim on which I've been looking forward to. I also need to finish the closure on the waist cincher which I ...

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a day late

Well I was gonna do a small post yesterday after posting my year-end review, but didn't get around to it, so here it is today. Not a lot to talk about but wanted to mostly give a wedding Leia update. Last week I got the sleeves hemmed and also cleaned up the inside of the sleeves. That took about 2 days of work - I was off Wed-Fri for my bereavement ...

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2022 costume wrap-up and 2023 plans

I want to do my wrap-up today instead of a regular post. I may still do a mini update post later today. So as usual let's start out by seeing what I said I wanted to make in 2022 back in December 2021. 1. Finish Utena - YES! 2. Lady Jessica - YES! 3. Padme’s Packing Gown - YES! 4. New Leia Dapper Day Look - YES! 5. Endor Leia - nah 6. Jedi Training Leia - ...

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