happy june

It's June which means we are now FULLY into Dragoncon mode. But first Kevin's room. I talked about the trim colour last week but I took this pic with the swatch of the colour and I SWEAR how are these the same? They do look closer to each other in non-direct light, but here in direct light in the window they are completely different. But I'm not freaking redoing it ...

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card declined

I love having to get a new debit card because of the "potential" it could've been leaked and having to go through and update my card everywhere. You never guess every single place it needs to be updated. Woke up this morning to a message that my card had been declined on a subscription I'm currently on, never even thought of that. I just went in and canceled it because ...

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oh hai mark

I don't think I mentioned it in my last blog post, but my great-uncle passed away last weekend. He was 102! I didn't post yesterday because we had his funeral. It was a long day. But we'll get to that later. I got as much done on Nadja as possible while awaiting my next fabric shipment. The upper skirt is assembled except the one back panel I'm missing. I also got ...

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its the most wonderful time of the year

I had an instagram story memory pop up yesterday that this time last year I said "dragoncon season is officially starting for me today." That made me feel really good because I have a huge head start this year compared to last. Rebels Leia is nearly done, and I've got a good chunk of Nadja done now too! So yeah I had a very fruitful sewing weekend. Chase was gone ...

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Wedding Leia photoshoot!

Ok here it is! I didn't put these in my weekly post earlier today because it was already really long and I felt like these deserved their own dedicated post. Took these Sunday before last at my parents' house. Same place we shot Ewok Leia back in 2007 -- but for Ewok Leia we actually went into the woods and wasn't going to do that this time. The front yard's trees ...

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you know its not the same

I'm just going to start at the beginning of my photos from the last week and work my way through them. First up - my Nadja swatch arrived and looked good finally! I think I finally got the stripe sizing good. So I got my yardage ordered and hooray it was on sale - it was $50 cheaper than I had budgeted for. It's arriving tomorrow so fingers crossed it looks ...

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may the 1st

It's dad's bday today! We went out for dinner Saturday night to a new korean bbq place. It was ok. Not like the one we had in NYC. I don't have a lot of costume progress to show this week. I'll chat about it at the end. New pin for the collection! A friend gave us some irises back in 2021 - this is the first year one has bloomed! Hooray! ...

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dragoncon ahoy

Ok now that Huntsville is behind us, it's time to focus on Dragoncon and the costume progress I've made in the last week. So let's get back to Rebels Leia... Got the sleeves on, and a neckline facing added. Pants time! Decided to do the same thing I did with Wanda last year and use the lower half of a bodysuit pattern so there's no crotch seam. It fit really ...

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huntsville con report!

Hey look I actually titled a blog post what it's actually about. Yeah a couple of days late with this. Wanted to gather up all the pics first including the ones from Chase's camera. So Thursday I get off work and go to take a nap and as I lay down, I get an idea. And I have to go do the idea right then and there. I WAS going ...

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Leia costume to-do list

Now having (or close to having) 2 new Leia costumes in my repertoire, it's really galvanizing me get moving on the movie canon costumes I'm missing, plus some other EU outfits I want to do. But first let's go through the "probably no" list... (I don't say absolutely no anymore because I know better) 1. No Leia costumes from Kenobi I completely adore her. And I've seen some adult Leia cosplayers pull ...

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