Meme: what do i look like, somebody who remembers stuff??

Day 01 – Your favorite song
Day 02 – Your favorite movie
Day 03 – Your favorite television program
Day 04 – Your favorite book
Day 05 – Your favorite quote
Day 06 – Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 – A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 – A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 – A photo you took
Day 10 – A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 – A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 – Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 – A fictional book
Day 14 – A non-fictional book
Day 15 – A fanfic
Day 16 – A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 – An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 – Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 – A talent of yours
Day 20 – A hobby of yours
Day 21 – A recipe
Day 22 – A website
Day 23 – A YouTube video
Day 24 – Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 – Your day, in great detail
Day 26 – Your week, in great detail
Day 27 – This month, in great detail
Day 28 – This year, in great detail

Day 29 – Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 – Whatever tickles your fancy.


HAHA yeah right. Like I remember anything from this year. I’m going to have to look at twitter for ideas.

January – I apparently did nothing but play Animal Crossing.

February – Saw Rain in concert. Got put in the hospital and that sucked. They put some blood and iron in me and sent me home super sore and even more paranoid over doctors than before. Shot the tennis tournament with Chase. Went to Disneyword w/Chase, Kevin and Scott, and Megacon in Orlando.

March – Saw dad’s band at Murphy’s on Sat Pat’s Day, went to MidSouthCon. Did our first white backdrop shoot.

April – Went to Washington DC on top secret Clone Wars mission. Found out Indy is a nipper at the groomer so she doesn’t get to go anymore. Saw my cousin in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. Took Chase to Arkansas for our 1st anniversary.

May – Saw Wolverine. Dad’s birthday dinner. Did a bodycast and passed out in the middle of it. Went to Greek Fest and then saw Star Trek (Greek & Geek Fest). Watched the Tudors almost every night. Had fondue and watched Star Trek The Voyage Home because @LindenAsh had never seen it. Chase’s sister came in town and we took her around to see the sites. House Hunting.

June – Dreamt I lived across the street from Leonard Nimoy and we would go over and he would cook dinner for us. Went to Memphis Legends game and got my pic with lots of cool folks. Had a Tomato Soup disaster. Finished Huntress for Superman Celebration, and got fishnet tanlines on my legs from Zatanna while there. Visited a summer camp’s “Space Week” as Princess Leia. Got an Iphone. Went to the drive-in for the first time ever. Took Kevin to Kooky Canuck’s for his birthday and he tried to eat the monster burger, but failed. Saw Wicked. MORE House Hunting.

July – Had a pool party. Decided on a house. Taped all the chairs in the back of the office together. Made an offer on the house. Saw Harry Potter at midnight for my cousin’s birthday. Went crazy over house stuff. Started moving out of the apartment. Broke my sandals. Found out seller was upside down on his house, signed another contract on the house. Moved out of the apt and in with my aunt until house stuff resolved. Had a radioactive mosquito bite.

August – Burnt my arm on the iron. Finally found a power cord that worked on my computer. Went to roller derby. Seller’s bank finally approved house stuff. Sat on a sewing needle. Worked on Dragoncon costumes. Had issue with house appraisal, had to go through whole offer process again. Our stupid mortgage broker had to send our stuff out to get checked so it took a week longer than it should.

September – went to DRAGONCON!! Captain Kirk climbed a mountain. Tree at work was attacked by a swarm of bees. Still in limbo thanks to lazy ass underwriter. Had a birthday. Surprise Beatles themed birthday party! Got Beatles Rock Band. FINALLY closed on the house. Painted rooms in the new house. Sat in paint. Moved into the house!!! Finally!!

October – Made Dragoncon 2010 reservations. Indy had an ear issue. Went to GMX in Nashville. Unpacked, and painted. Made Snow White for Halloween. Went to Memphis Madness. Did a Star Wars event at davis Kidd. Helped Ash put together a Teddy Roosevelt costume. Went to a “Graveyard Party” at Davis Kidd as anne Boleyn and Teddy Roosevelt. Dressed up as Twilight vamps for Halloween at work. Watched Twilight rifftrax with the girls Halloween night.

November – Bought a sweet cabinet for my office. Found old birthday money. Miss Ella’s Funeral. Played What Drives Edward. Got Wii Sports Resort. Made Kevin a homemade “Team Edward” shirt. Saw New Moon with the girls. Kevin was mobbed by preteens since he was dressed as Edward. Thanksgiving. Rifftrax of titanic. Wrapped Ash’s desk in wrapping paper.

The end.