MTAC plans!

We’ll be at MTAC starting tomorrow night! I’m excited šŸ™‚
Saturday morning I’ll be wearing Ms Marvel for Free Comic Book Day, then heading back to the con for Chase and Derek’s photo panel, followed by a posing-for-photography panel. I’m taking Julia from Cowboy Bebop, Anne Boleyn, and Jane from Tarzan to wear the rest of the day, I don’t know when I’ll be wearing any of those though LOL

Both were fun to wear, looking forward to wearing them again them again this weekend. I linked my pages on my website below each w/build info and pics.

My Jane Porter costume from Tarzan. I made this in 2010.As seen at Anaheim Comic Con | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

My Ms Marvel (Avengers/Marvel Comics) costume from April 2010.As seen at Anaheim Comic Con | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram