it’s been one week

I really don’t have a lot that is interesting today except MORE HOUSE STUFF… of course.

I’ve been unpacking, organizing, breaking down boxes for a whole week but when I look around it’s like I’ve done nothing. It’s so frustrating LOL

Tuesday at work last week was like, the day from hell… so I decided to go home and treat myself. Nana & Kristie got me this gorgeous display mannequin for christmas and I’ve been itching to unpack it and set it up. So I did.

She says hi! She needs a name.

Tinkerbell was the only costume I had at the house so I threw it on her.

Luna is starting to get comfortable at the house.

Almost every day I’ve come home and she’s upstairs, looking down at me from the walkway over the living room. Most of the weekend she spent curled up on my blanket on the couch. So I think her exploring and adjusting period is mostly over – now she’s just chilling.
Saturday I had opened the upstairs door to my sewing room to warm it up, but I didn’t open the downstairs door. A few minutes later I heard her SCREAMING at the downstairs door. She’d gone thru the open door upstairs, gone down the other stairs and then wanted out at that door. Instead of just turning around and going back the way she came. I went and let her out but then she did that TWO MORE times that day… I was finally like look, just turn around and go back the way you came in!

Wednesday we took the night off and went to see Into the Spider-Verse. It was SO GOOD. The animation style was beautiful – probably my favourite animated film in the last few years. And the story was great, too.

I forgot to post the pins Ash got me for Christmas! Unsolved Mysteries! Luna Porggood! Tightrope Walker! I can’t wait to get my pins organized and displayed!

Wednesday I brought some more stuff over from Nana’s house, including Amidala so I could play dress up with the new form some more.


And then I realized I’d also grabbed my Leia bin that day so I threw her on there too.

I selfishly unpacked some of my sewing room one afternoon, though not a lot… I have nowhere to put most anything yet. I have my big wardrobe, and my blue cabinet. That’s about it. I can’t use the closet – that’s for costumes. I’m going to have to find some kind of new storage system for fabric and stuff. I thought about using one of our big Ikea shelves but there’s not a wall it’ll fit on in my sewing room. So I’m going to have to think about this.

Chase was out of town, and I wasn’t really feeling staying in the house just me and Kevin yet. None of the windows are covered (except in the bedroom) so at night they really creep me out! So Friday night we went and stayed over at nana and kristie’s. I spent ALL DAY saturday working on our bedroom and bathroom – taking a break to paint one of the walls in Chase’s office.

The colour looks really weird in that lighting but it’s a really dark neutral grey. THe other walls are going to be a lighter grey.

Saturday night I decided to tough it out and stay at the house. I was fine most of the night, especially since I was working in the bedroom and bathroom where the windows were covered. I had Kevin set up playing his nintendo classic in our bedroom since that’s the only tv we have hooked up at the moment, so I had company. At one point we both carried a few thing upstairs, Kevin went back down and I was standing on the landing and I heard the sudden, insistent knocking, like someone was frantically knocking on the front door. I was in full view of the front door’s windows and could see nothing was there, but it freaked me out and i hightailed it back downstairs. I figured it must have been kevin doing something. So I got back to work and a half hour later I hear it again. I stuck my head into the bedroom and asked Kevin if he made a noise. He said no. I muted my music and listened… didn’t hear anything. Left my music off just in case and 5 minutes later I hear it again, but softer.

I realize it wasn’t coming from the front door – it was coming from the Harry Potter closet. I’d been putting stuff in there earlier, I’d left it open and when I’d walked by earlier, just pushed it closed.

Turns out Luna was stuck in there and had been trying to get out for an hour LOL Poor baby but also thanks for the heart attack.

Sunday was ALL DAY work… painted another wall in chase’s office, more work on the bedroom and bathroom. Kevin cut down boxes for me, took out trash. So here’s a quick tour of the rooms I’ve supposedly unpacked.

Laundry room! I actually did this earlier this week, it seemed like the easiest place to start. I’ve still got some cabinet organization to do, and painting it eventually.
Vacuum cleaner is also going to be living upstairs, since that’s where most of the carpet in the house is.

Bedroom. I know it looks a mess but this was after 2 days of constant work!!
I do want to get a new dresser, and I want to move the “cubby” thing out of there. For now I think we’ll be moving the large ikea shelf we previously had in the kitchen in there onto that wall – not permanently, but right now it’s just in the dining room doing nothing. I keep opening boxes with books and knickknacks in them (I tried to spread the books out in the boxes a bit, so I didn’t have heavy giant book boxes, so open a box of clothes and there’s also 4 books) and I have nowhere to put them, because we have no shelves set up yet, outside of the 2 built-ins in the living which are already pretty much full. So I keep having to just put stuff back in boxes until i have room and that’s driving me crazy. So I thought if we could just put the ikea shelf in the bedroom for now, I can put all that stuff on there, get the boxes out and we can organize later.

Another angle. I can’t wait to start getting art and photos hung on the wall, that’s when things really start to look “homey” to me.
We plan on painting the bedroom eventually but it’s not high on the list. I’m currently all about NEUTRAL so it’s probably going to be grey.

Bathroom. I don’t think I posted a lot of pics of the bathroom previously? I mean it’s just a bathroom LOL.
So I got all of our clothes unpacked, hung up. Mine are organized pretty well – Chase’s aren’t organized at all, just hung up and put on the shelves. I’ll help him organize what’s in there this week – didn’t want to do that without his input.

My closet!
We each have our own closet, and they’re both about the size of the last closet we both shared. So that’s awesome.
I really would have liked to have painted the inside of the closets before putting stuff in there, but decided to save that for another time.
You can’t see but on the inside wall to the left there’s shelving. Super nice! Two of my shelves at the moment are just stuffed animals – I was just throwing them up there and I can’t reach to organize it, so going to have Chase help me with that this week, and then I’ll have room to put a few more things in there.
One thing I noticed — the floor is COLD in there. I want to find a small area rug to put down on my side! I had to dig out some winter house socks to wear while working in there LOL

I also did something I should have done a long time ago – I went through all those 30+ sketchbooks I rescued from my parents’ house a while back. I tore out anything worth keeping and threw the rest away. There was no reason to keep all these heavy, cumbersome sketchbooks tucked away in our house when most of them only had 3-4 pages worth of stuff I wanted to keep and the rest was doodles of eyes or notes from class. I’m going to cut off the ripped edge, punch holes in them and put them in binders.
A few sketchbooks I did keep – the ones that have full comics in them. But most went into the trash and it felt REALLY good.
I also separated out the tshirts I want to use to make a tshirt quilt this year, and have a big box of stuff to donate. YAY.

Ok that’s it for me this week. Hopefully I’ll have sewing stuff to talk about soon. Right now my entire mindset is on the house, though.
I do have some art despite that!

I think this was actually a TPM concept but I did it as AOTC era Padme. I couldn’t tell if on the original art it was supposed to be a wrapped head piece/scarf or weird hair on her head – I decided weird, giant hair was more interesting so that’s what I went with.