that moment you get your costume to the point of finally trying it on. isn’t it fantastic?
Sorry I haven’t posted in a few days; been busy at work and busy sewing every night. Over the week I’ve finished the beading on Marie (although I have a handful of beads leftover I may go back and toss on), finished the stomacher and both sleeve flounces, and also worked on one of the surprise costumes.
Today I FINALLY got the stomacher sewn in and the hook and eyes put in on the other side. which means I finally got to put it all on at once. I still have one flounce to sew on, then to finish the shoes (i have one finished), and the wig, and the necklace (which I bought parts for today). It’s so close to being done it make me want to sit down and rush through it all at once, but my fingers are so sore from handsewing so much today I’m moving on to other projects, mainly dying and playing with hair the rest of the night.
I took a couple of pics on my phone, but they’re pretty crappy. honestly – and I’m not saying this being egotistical or anything – the phone pics just do not do it justice. I stood there staring at myself in the mirror for like 10 minutes, so happy because I’ve wanted a costume like this for so long, and so proud of it. It sparkles when I move, and the blue is so deep and bright, the phone just can’t capture all that. I can’t wait to get some great pics at dragoncon. I want to try to go over to Hardy Ivy park in it and take pics around the columns.
I came up with a rough idea of a dragoncon schedule earlier this week, too:
Thursday night: Ms Marvel red suit
Friday: Marie Antoinette, Lady Blackhawk (Gotham City shoot), Black Widow (Avengers shoot), Queen Hippolyta
Saturday: Donna Noble (parade), surprise 1, surprise 2, surprise 3, surprise 4
Sunday: Enchantress, Ms Marvel black, Ms Marvel red, surprise 3
Monday: Donna
I know, all those surprises are so annoying. And I know I won’t stick to it, outside of outfits for specific photoshoots, but if I don’t come up with some kind of idea I end up floundering a bit once I’m there.