when indy drank coffee

My dog likes to drink coffee. White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks, to be exact.

Me and my parents were gonna go eat at Joe’s Crab Shack with Ash and her parents, but when we got there, the wait was an hour and a half. We decided we weren’t gonna wait, so our parents decided to drop us off at the mall so they could go eat at Vinegar Jim’s (blargh). The wait system at Joe’s Crab Shack was interesting tho – different from last time I was there. They gave everyone a ticket with a goofy name on it, and when that was called your table was ready. While we were waiting, we heard a call for, “Elmer Fudd, party of 3,” “Steve Martin, part of 2,” “Sammy Davis, Jr., party of 3,” and more. We were Hercules, but since we didn’t stay…

Ash and I wandered around the mall. Nothing new. I bought the Charlie’s Angels soundtrack, she bought a book for school. I also got a little stuffed dog that was so very cute I couldn’t resist it. I’m a sucker for stuffed dogs.
It’s really raining out… we were hoping the lights would go out at the mall, but it didn’t happen.