when i counted down my shoes

I have too many shoes!!! I’m becoming my grandmother!!
1. Red Ankle Rain Boots: I never wore them, but I’m saving them now to wear w/my Sailor Moon boot covers, since they’re the right colour.
2. Nike running shoes: These were my regular shoes for almost 3 yrs! They’re retired now, sorta… but I drew ’em on Ginny a while back.
3. Green Ankle boots: Ugliest things you’ll ever see. They go perfectly with my Jupiter costume tho.
4. Saddle Shoes w/big heel: I wore these for about a week 3 yrs ago. Now they’re going to be my Utena shoes.
5. Blue Vans: Currently my regular shoes. They are nice. They have no laces at the moment.
6. Birkenstock bostons: Bought during my hippie phase about 6 yrs ago. They’re actually going to get a lot more wear as of next week – they’ve decided to ban toeless shoes at work, which means I can’t wear my sandals anymore. But I’m too lazy to put on regular shoes in the morning, so the bostons are back!
7. Nike flip-flops: They’re weird, but I wear ’em a lot anyway.
8. Knee high Black Riding Boots: Bought for my Quistis costume. I hope I can figure out something else to do with em one day…
9. Motorcycle boots: My #1 shoes, even if they squeak.
10. Dress Shoes #1: Black shoes with a buckle, no back. Generally what I wear when I have to dress up. They’re actually a bit too small, but since they have no back…
11. Black Zip Up Ankle Boots w/3 inch heel: Originally bought for my Jupiter costume, now worn as my dress up shoes… They’re great for that… last time I wear them to a funeral where there were a bunch of family people I hadn’t seen in a long time and everyone was like, “Oh, you’ve gotten so tall since I last saw you!” But my parents had to blow my cover… “Well, yeah, look at those shoes!”
12. Dress Shoes #2: Just like Dress Shoes #1, except they do have a back. I never wore them because they were uncomfortable. They’re really stiff, you know? Yesterday I found them (I had forgotten about them) and had mom cut the buckle off. Now they’re the shoes for my Juri costume.
13. Black Men’s Sports Sandals: Ugly. You know, the kind that velcro at the toes and around the ankle? Bought ’em for $15 and they were worth every penny. Yes, these were the sandals I wore when we were at Disneyworld. Everyone told me, “don’t wear sandals!” I decided, on the 2nd day, screw this, my feet are too hot in shoes, I’m wearing these ugly sandals. And I did. And I was the only who didn’t have to suffer thru ankle-deep water and soaked shoes and socks when it down-poured that day šŸ˜€ Haha!
14. Brown “Arts & Entertainment” hiking boots: 2nd only to my motorcycle boots… they’re from American Eagle, and say “AE” on the bottom, so I call ’em the Arts and Entertainment boots. I think I’ve drawn these shoes on waaaaay too many people… like Miles (cept mine don’t have green soles)
15. Brown Knee High Suede Boots: For my Selphie costume. I love those boots, they’re so cool. I’m planning on wearing my selphie costume to school on Halloween day (if I go to school on Halloween at all…)
16. Brown Ankle High Suede Boots: I swear, these boots must be the little brother of my Selphie boots. Mom found them when she was cleaning out her closet, and let me have them. They’re slated for my black-dress-version of Misato sometime in the future…
17. Red Ankle High leather boots: For my NERV uniform version of Misato XD They’re quite punky.
18. Sandals: These are some cheap ass, boring sandals that I bought at Target like, 7 yrs ago. And they’re still holding up quite well. In fact, they’d still be perfect if Indy hadn’t’ve chewed on ’em. I love them, I wear them everyday, just about. Mostly cause I’m too lazy to put on normal shoes…
19. Red Converse: I love those shoes. Hehe, I wore them last night for the first time in ages. There’s nothing cooler than Red Converse. You hear me? NOTHING COOLER. Ok, maybe there is, but they’re still cool.
20. Blue Airwalks: Haven’t worn them in ages. They’re in the very back.
21. Ugly White Nikes: When did I wear these? I don’t even remember them.
22. Purple flip-flops: From Old Gravy. Bought this year. Matches one of my swimsuits perfectly. Not that I care about that, but I just thought it was neat.
23. Black “Kung Fu” Shoes: Like Mary Janes, made of velvet, and totally comfortable. For my Ruby Moon costume, my Ranma costume, and probably my Asuka costume too, since I don’t feel like finding red ones just like them.
24, 25, 26. 3 pairs of Beach Shoes: You know those ugly swim shoes? Yeah, I have 3 pairs. all 3 still fit. I got the 2nd pair cause the 1st pair got lost, and then found again. I got the 3rd pair just last month, cause I didn’t think to take any with me and I needed some (that beachy was REALLY.. erm, shelly. ow.) So I have 3 pairs.

And now that you’re all asleep, I’ll rob you of your wallets!! HAHAHAHA!! *runs away*