when there were more pics than you could shake a stick at

Title: More pics than you can shake a stick at!

I found a couple of pics today. I hope no one minds me borrowing them for a second, I just wanna show off. The first ones are from The Sorceress’ Knight – whose owner made the BEST Seifer, and also made some really cool music videos.

Ruby Moon & Suppi-chan, waiting outside for the cosplay to begin.

Utena sitting around in the lobby

(photo missing)

Ranma with my messenger bag, portfolio & InuYasha pic (LOL I made her carry all that stuff, cause “I can’t with my costume man!”)

And lastly, one from Smurf Cam, a site run by 4 cosplayers we ran into at the con, who put on a very cute skit! I sympathize with them having to go last…

Ruby Moon & Suppi-chan, STILL waiting outside for the cosplay to begin.

Ash is coming over this afternoon so we can take pics of her costumes. Yesterday mom took some better pics of my Utena & Cammy costumes while we took a break from the sewing machine (almost done with my wizard robe šŸ™‚ Lessee…


Mom was making me laugh


Looking annoyed (or SOMETHING)

Utena by my driveway

Don’t drop it when you’re doing that

Good timing for this!!! Ann rules, but we already knew that.

AHHH OMG! Look what she drew! boy, did that ever cheer me up šŸ˜€