when i did christmas shopping

I got so much work done the past few days!! I’m four pages away from finishing Issue 2 for the remake. I’ve still got about 10 pages to go on Issue 1. But I did about 12 pages of Issue 2 since Saturday! wow!

Would anyone be interested in having SunDowner fanart in the remake? I was thinking of having a little contest of sorts… maybe pick 5 to print and post the rest at the SunDowner page? I mean it would be free publicity (and I’d get fanart!) All the submitted artwork would have to be in black and white (or converted to black and white, I mean, like grey tone, no colour).

I got a bunch of film developed this weekend. I had one so old that it was from 4 years ago, when my dog Molly was still alive and Indy was a puppy. Weird looking at those pictures! I took a pic of dad’s computer, and there’s a box of Goldfish on the printer. Gosh it’s been a long time since I was addicted to Goldfish! There was also a roll from the Halloween party LAST YEAR. Good grief.

Also there were my pictures from Chicago, which I’ll not scan any of. I don’t want to bore anyone to death. It’s mostly pictures of buildings and I can’t remember which ones are which.

I did finally get my MTAC pictures developed, yay… so I’ll update my report soon.

Let’s see, what have I bought lately… hmm. I got a Lando action figure at Toys R Us. He has a cool cape! He’s cool! He’s gonna sit up on my desk with the two Hans and look cool. I wish I had a little tiny Colt45 to make him hold. I also found the Voldemort/Quirrell action figure. It’s really creepy. Now gotta find that dumbledore… I got Urusei Yatsura vol 2 on DVD, and Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon on CD. Yes i know it’s a shame, it’s a shame that I don’t have it on CD already. Some Harry Potter stickers. The Rolling Stone special for George Harrison (it’s really nicely done). Aaaaaaand…. The Powerpuff Girls video with the Beat-Alls Beatles parody!! Yay! I never got to see it on TV. It was cute

I also finished my Christmas shopping. My parents will not tell me anything to buy them, so I have to guess. I got Dad a King Crimson CD I heard him say he wanted, and Led Zeppelin 3 on CD. I don’t know if he wants Led Zeppelin 3 on CD, but he’s getting it. Anyway, I also got dad the Gandalf action figure. I figured, hey, he dressed up as Gandalf, I’ll get him a Gandalf action figure. He can take it to work, set it on his desk. I betcha he got the same thing for me. We’re going to have two Gandalfs under the Christmas tree.

For mom, I got O Brother Where Art Thou on DVD. She really loved that movie. I also had some stuff mema gave me to give her, but I’m going to get her a Sandicast cat too. Hopefully I can find one that looks like Hobbes.

I got Ash something really cool, but I can’t say what it is cause she reads my blog !