when indy ate part of my costume

Indy got in trouble tonight. I was spray painting some stuff outside, and dropped a little wooden star when I came in. Indy was right there, and I said, “Don’t you get that!” She walked off. I set my stuff down and turned around to pick it up and… it was gone. Dad was standing right there and Indy ran past him, and I said “Catch her, did she get that?!” And he said yes… I took off after her, but it was too late, it was already in pieces on the floor. At least she didn’t actually eat it.

Now this is the second time she’s done something like this! She’s always getting ahold of stuff and trying to chew on it. Last time she chewed up one of my medals for my Utena costume. She must have known she was really in trouble this time, and she got behind the couch (she never gets there). I went over and looked at her, and she was just looking up at me with sad eyes. I went and sat down, and she came slinking out and got in her kennel. By this time I’d already forgotten about what she’d done, so it was bothering me that she was being like that about it. So I went over and tried to get her out of her kennel… she wouldn’t come to me. So I felt REALLY bad for scolding her. I reached in and petted her and got her to come out, and then pulled her around to me and made her sit in front of me for a while. She was still being sheepish, so I got one her toys and got her playing, and she was ok after that.

She’s just never acted like that when getting in trouble before. Usually she doesn’t care. It made me feel so bad!!
Anyway, I’m just now watching Buffy. It was preempted from it’s usual time this evening cause of the basketball game.