5 Days To Go: One of your best memories from DragonCon

5 Days To Go: One of your best memories from DragonCon

I have a lot.
Meeting Chase. Partying with the girls. Our skit in 2005. Costuming with my mom.
But I’ve talked about all those things recently, so in the effort to not repeat myself too much, here’s a more recent fun story.

In 2010, I think it was? Stan Lee was a guest. I almost walked directly into him after the parade. He was just standing in the midst of all the parade people flooding back inside, just standing there grinning. It was hilarious.
The next year – or, maybe it was that year? Ash and I decided to get our picture with him.

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So that was cool! But afterwards I was really disappointed I hadn’t gone in costume. He was back the next year after that, so I decided to do another photo-op, and Chase joined me this time. When it was our turn, I walked up and he put his arm around my waist, and just then, the photographer said, “hang on, I have to change memory cards.”
So I said, “I don’t mind!”
Stan Lee said, “Me neither, but do we really need him?” and he jerked his thumb towards Chase on his other side. Chase made a sad face and pretended to leave, and Stan Lee grabbed his arm and said, “Get back here!”
Then we took the picture and we were on our way. It was such a quick and delightful little experience with him.

My Ms Marvel (Avengers/Marvel Comics) costume from April 2010.As seen at Dragoncon 2011.Kelldar.com | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram