Yeah I didn’t post last week. Monday I was just really busy and was like, I’ll do it Tuesday. Then I was still busy Tuesday so I thought I’ll do it Wednesday.
Then Wednesday morning my uncle Mike was shot during a carjacking. I think one of my cousins had the most accurate response to being told – “Out of all the things I was thinking you were going to tell me, it was NOT that.”
So yeah that was incredibly shocking and devastating. He had emergency surgery and is still currently on life-support. Suspect is in custody.
Wrapping my head around Christmas shopping and plans was already mentally exhausting before that. Now? Everybody’s getting gift cards. I truly can’t even.
I really didn’t have that much to post anyhow. Let me gather my thoughts and see what I had from the week before.
Kevin’s parents got a new kitty. Meet Sir Winston:

We went to dinner with them Friday before last and got to meet him – he’s the friendliest cat I’ve ever met. He let me pick him up, rub his belly, and we played lots. Totally fine with complete strangers!
Saturday we did a photoshoot – did regular Leia, disneybound Leia, Dale, Arwen and Eliza. I did my Dale bun on the wrong side though so i decided to reshoot that one later.
I don’t have the regular Leia ones up yet (wasn’t in a rush for those – I wanted the others for posting on instagram for my costume countdown). Here’s a few favs of the other 3:

Disneybound Leia


I actually shot Eliza 2 ways – I don’t love that wig on me, and since they used the actors’ natural hair in the stage productions, I shot it without the wig as well.

Edna joined the Nativity. Chip and Dale did later too. Gotta find a few other visitors.
Sunday I had to go granny-sit again so I took Utena with me again. I’ll talk about my progress there in a bit. But I did think it was nice that I was working on Utena version #3 in the same room I worked on versions 1 and 2, 20 and 14 years ago.

I dug some more stuff out of attic again – this time a giant box full of VHS tapes and a Star Wars suitcase.

The Star Wars suitcase I was excited about because I forgot I had this and it’s cool AF, and it was REALLY heavy so I thought there must be something good in it. I got it down and opened it up and… it was full of bills. LMAO.
Yeah just a bunch of old bills and paperwork from 2004-2005 that needed shredding. But there were a few good things in there. My old college ID from 97, an issue of Animerica I was in, and a bunch of freebies from Celebration 3. I shredded everything that needed shredded, threw away the trash, and kept a handful of things out of it. Going to keep the suitcase too, it’s got some messed up places on the front I need to inspect to see if they can get cleaned or repaired but otherwise it’s a nice size little overnight bag.

The massive box of video tapes was incredibly hard to get downstairs. this pic only shows half of it, the flap is hiding the other half. The top layer was all anime VHS and a handful of dvds. (I was losing interest in anime just as dvds were becoming more common). Most of the anime tapes were Slayers. Literally must have been 20 of them. My Utena tapes, a few other things.
The second layer was a bunch of my childhood tapes. Almost the whole set of X-Men tapes (missing one). My Little Pony, Moondreamers, fairytales, etc. I found one home VHS that was labeled “Socrates” in my mom’s handwriting – I remembered there was something special on that tape but couldn’t remember what. I had to drag the tv/vcr combo out and put it in to see what it was.
Anybody remember the old Socrates game system? That’s what this was. Short little 5 second clips of the “art” i made on the Socrates system.


“All Alone In a Blue World”
There was a bunch more but those were my favs.
Anyway I threw most of the videos on ebay. Looks like a few will sell, the rest are going to donation.

Skye says hi
And then last week. Didn’t do much besides struggle with Utena.

It took me TWO WEEKS to get all this trim sewn on and looking decent. It’s not perfect, but at this point it is what it is. This fabric I picked was just way too flimsy, frayed too easily and was just an absolute nightmare. I realized about halfway through I should’ve stabilized it all but there was no way I was going to rip it all off to start over at that point – it would’ve destroyed the fabric if I had tried.
I need to pick up some bias tape for the one front side that goes underneath the other. Then the basic torso of the jacket is done. I still need to permanently sew the interior zipper down, put my hook and eye closures in, and do the sleeves. The pieces are cut, just haven’t done anything with them.
I’ve got to put her to the side now to focus on some christmas projects. I’ll probably get back to her christmas weekend. Hopefully I can have the bulk done by the end of the year.
Thursday Luna had her 6 month check-up after her emergency stone situation back in June. Three good outcomes:
1. No stones, bloodwork came back all good! Yay. We were worried after the incident on thanksgiving.
2. She was actually really good about getting in the kennel and going there, and coming home. I don’t know how she was INSIDE the vet’s, but still.
3. She got prescribed kitty prozac! We asked if they could prescribe something like this for her, because the past couple of years she’s gotten scared of everything. Chase airbrushing in the garage? Scared and hissing. Me talking loudly telling a funny story? Scared and hissing. Chase coming in from leaf blowing? Scared and hissing. Me dropping something? Scared and hissing. One of us walking through the house at night with a flashlight? Scared and hissing. It’s had us all on edge as to what is going to set her off, because once she gets in that state she stays like that for like a whole day. We’ve tried feliway and it hasn’t seemed to help. They prescribed it in drops that we picked up from a compounding pharmacy that made it taste like chicken. So far we’ve been mixing it into a little bit of one of those “squeeze up” kitty treats so she’ll eat it all.
And the vet said it would take about 3 weeks for it to get in her system but I swear we’re already seeing results. My parents came by Friday and instead of hiding, she stood right in between all 3 of us, rubbing up against my legs, and let mom pet her. She’s been way more playful. And then Friday night we had really bad storms.

She and I had to get in the storm closet. She was obviously weirded out and didn’t want to be in there (especially when I had to hold her anytime Chase opened the door to keep her from running out) but there was no hissing or anything crazy.

I really hope this means we are on our way to a happier kitty.
This weekend we did another set of shoots – dapper Black Widow, comfy Ariel, Padme disneybound and I reshot Dale.

Of those I only have Black Widow up so far.
Then we ran some errands and later that night had dinner at Flame Ramen:

Yesterday we went and got our boosters. Feeling ok except a sore arm.
This week – like I said I’ve got some Christmas projects to work on, and I need to get some more shopping done. Next weekend it’s Ash’s birthday, my Uncle Buddy’s 101st birthday, and we’re taking Kevin to see Spider-man.