Speaking to myself. I normally don’t sew much in Dec-Feb. I’ve made 2 full costumes (accessories not withstanding), and half of a disneybound already. I’m glad I’m getting ahead but also… like, calm down a little bit and stop feeling anxious if I don’t have anything to sew.
Like it’s ok. I don’t have a con til March, one in April, and I’m not making anything new for either. Well I guess Raddus and Blue Glitter Leia are “new.” But I don’t have anything left to do on them outside of accessories. Chase is modeling my Raddus bracelet. I’m working on the snoods for blue glitter and I need to make a tiara and necklaces, and find some bracelets.
Disney trip is May. I have 4 things I want to make for it, nothing dire. A lake dress disneybound reusing my old version 3 panels, which I can probably slap together over a weekend – I want to redye the panels though, so I’m waiting on nicer weather. A Black Widow dress which, again, I think will just be a weekend project – I have all the fabric. My new Leia disneybound which I’ll talk about in a minute which is halfway done. And the matching costumes for me and Chase which will be making a jacket for him and a 2 piece dress for me – just need to buy fabric for both. Those 2 are the only big project hanging over my head for the first part of the year.
I still have Arwen based together, waiting to order my spoonflower fabric. Maybe one day i’ll get to do that…
And after that it’s focusing on Dragoncon. At the moment the only for sure things I’m actively planning are Liberty Dies Padme, Lothal (Rebels) Leia, and my Arwen Hope Dress. And of course the new stuff I’ve been working on already (Raddus Bridge Leia, blue glitter Leia). I have a couple of silly ideas floating around in my brain but nothing for sure right now, I’ll make decisions on those things in the spring. And I’d love to do a black sack back gown. Just because.
With Chase coming back to Dragoncon this year it means also making things for him and I’m SOOO excited because he’s agreed to do a costume I’ve wanted him to do since we met – Bail Organa! He’s doing it to match my Liberty Dies Padme. We took measurements for it this weekend and looked all my swatches of it in Dressing a Galaxy. We’re heading to atlanta in a few weeks and I intend to have a giant shopping list of as much stuff as possible for Dragoncon. Maybe I need to nail down my dragoncon list before we do that.
Anyway that’s enough text let’s move onto something that has photos.
Being tired of working on the snoods, as soon as my white knit for my Leis disneybound arrived Wednesday, I dug into it.

Used my Leia dress as a guide to cut the pattern. Only the upper half. 2 layers with the fold along the top, just like an actual Leia dress.

Then i cut them both up the front. Sewed them together at the front edge and flipped it – sewed the sleeves together by pulling them through the neckhole, just like the regular Leia dress.

Hood cut and finished – again just like regular Leia. Gathered the edges and sewed it onto the neck. Used the same pattern for the collar I used for regular Leia, attached it by machine and then finished the inside by hand.

I should’ve known the collar would be too tall. It was too tall on my dress, too. Of course I didn’t realize that til it was finished, so instead of taking it off I just folded it over and sewed it down on the inside (after this photo was taken. In fact it was the last thing I did last night).

Next up I made a waistband – 2 layers of the knit, one of interfacing. And darn it but I didn’t have enough iron on interfacing left, so it’s sew-in which was a pain. I got the lower edge of the top gathered, then sewed the waistband on – machine-sewed first, then finished by hand on the inside.

Then I got the hook and eyes sewn on.
And I finally tried it all on and was…disappointed. I want it to function like a jacket but have the look of the actual costume when worn (esp with the belt). I think the main issue is the fact I made it cross over at the waistband. It’s looking really…. like somebody’s weird karate top from the 80s.
So I think I’m going to take the waistband off on the right side of it, gather the bottom edge a bit more and shorten the waistband, so the meet cleanly in the middle, no crossover. Also think I’m going to add another hook and eye at the neck.
Under this, I plan to make just a basic white romper. Tank-top style top, shorts. Comfy and cool. I think the jacket will look cute over it and it’ll still be cute without the jacket. I’m going to be making a more parks-friendly belt – I don’t really want to take my “good” belt down there, so I’m going to make a lighter weight version of vinyl with 3d printed pieces (Chase 3d printed them for me over the weekend). I think once I fix the cross-over issue and finish the romper it’ll be cute.
I decided for the romper to just use the same knit. I was going to go for like a linen or something at first, but I figured why not keep it in the Leia fabric. Just 2 days after I got this knit delivered from Joann, I hopped online to buy 3 more yards for the romper, and decided since I needed to go to the store anyway, I’d save $8 and do the online order pick-up there. Well not even an hour after placing the order, I get an notification my order has been canceled. No reason, no option to switch it to shipping. So dumb. I had to just go back in and reorder it to be shipped and pay the $8 shipping. And it shipped fine like that. I get the online inventory for the stores is not perfect but… at least give me the option to switch without straight up canceling the order? Joann you are so weird.
Animal break:

Sims game continues. My CATS family game ended… Bombalurina was the winner, she outlasted all the other Cats.

Though for some reason at some point I found her sleeping on a rock in another lot when she had a perfectly good bed back home.
They all froze. Man, winter gets them everytime.
So then I decided, let’s keep it on the same lot, same set-up, but make it “Help! I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!” I googled “most annoying celebrities” and just found where people had made them in the gallery, and downloaded them into my game.

We had Donald Trump, Kim Kardashian and Kanye, Lindsey Lohan, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Kat Von D, and Tom Cruise. I wanted sims that would all look different and stand out, and Kat Von D ended up looking too much like Kim K from a distance, and she didn’t really fit in, so let her play with some fireworks and she was the first out. She was replaced by Kim and Kanye having a baby.
So normally when I do “survivor” style games, I give them nothing and see how long they last. This game and the CATS game is different, I give them everything they need. They have a grill so they have plenty to eat, they are always grilling. They have bushes to pee in. They have a shower, which I even built a little room for so they wouldn’t have to use it in front of other people, a stereo with a dance floor, an art easel, a garbage can, a couple of folding chairs, beds for everyone, and I ended up even putting the beds inside for them (they were outside for the cats but I didn’t want everyone to freeze again in this game. I wanted to give them a fighting chance!) Basically these “survivor” games are more “if I give you all the tools can you still survive”?
So during summer, I ended up making them a really small pool right next to the grill, so they could cool off. They all ended up sitting in the pool to eat. Everytime someone would cook, they’d all grab plates and sit at the edge of the pool. Which was fine and dandy til it started getting cold again… and the idiots KEPT DOING IT. They’d be shivering and have cold moodlets and I’m like, of course you’re cold, you changed into your swimsuit and you’re sitting in the pool to eat!
So Justin Bieber, Lindsey Lohan, and Taylor Swift ended up freezing solely because of that. So they were out. I took the pool away after that since they can’t be trusted with it. Donald Trump ended up having a baby, and Andy Dick and Lena Dunham joined the family. So far they’re all doing ok. Had a couple of fires at the grill but they actually get put out pretty quickly. They’re still not good at going inside when it’s cold, but nobody else has died, at least.
Kanye did get abducted by aliens so that was cool.
Oh and look that weird glitch happened again with a sim playing with a baby:
And when Lindsey froze, she got stuck. Just a chunk of ice laying on the ground, bunch of sims crying, but the Grim Reaper never showed. Meanwhile Tom Cruise was swimming in the tiny pool and started swimming through the grass and I couldn’t get him out. I “reset object” on Lindsey and she just immediately disappeared and melted, Grim Reaper never showed up, she didn’t get an urn or a headstone, just gone. And Tom popped up out of the ground. I love Sims glitches.