It was really fun but I’m glad it’s over!
I totally stole the pic in my blog header because it was a great pic of the whole cast showing the whole stage.

Program cover which I drew in case you couldn’t tell.

I had about 30 seconds of time onstage where I needed to look like I was doing something while sitting in a chair, so I took my embroidery hoop with me. The cat here was first, then I did a sloth during the first performance and an alien during Saturday’s show. (I was also working on it backstage to keep myself entertained)
Spinny! Chase had to come to Wednesday’s dress rehearsal since he was going to be out of town over the weekend of the actual play. He took a few pics of me but hasn’t sent them to me yet.

Mom being the Phantom of the Opera or something.
Oh and in case you missed it, we closed on the house Thursday!!!!! We are now landlords for a month until the sellers move out of state.
I’m SO relieved it’s over and move-in day can’t come soon enough.
Friday after work I went straight home, did my makeup and then gathered up my costume to take out to my parents house, and then I rode with them. So of course I got to see the puppy!

My heart!

Friday night’s performance was GREAT! Best we’ve ever done!

Jean was the Fairy Godmother/Ghost of Christmas Past and she got flowers!

Mom was Mother Goose/the narrator!
Saturday I had intended to sew all day. But after straightening up a bit, I went and met my parents for breakfast, then came home and took a nap. I had about 10 minutes worth of sewing before I had to go to my makeup for Saturday’s performance. But it was a fruitful 10 minutes.
I’m throwing together a quick comfy Ariel outfit, and I bought this purple knit about a month ago. I used a shirt I had as a pattern reference and got it cut — just two pieces, a front and back.

Got the collar in the front cut down and the seams all sewn together:

It’s cute! And the fabric is really nice!
Headed to my parents again to ride with them.

Saturday’s performance wasn’t quite as good as Friday’s but it was still good. Kristie took some pics for me from the audience!

We went out to eat afterwards and by the time I got home I was dead.
Sunday I slept in as much as possible, then got up and started sewing stuff.

Ash came over and we made a pair of ears for her!

I got my shirt hemmed.

I’m just going to heat-transfer the words on the front and the shell trim on the hems. I’ve got it ready to go, just need to buy transfer. I know it’s probably going to ruin the beautiful drape of this fabric, but the fabric was cheap, the construction was crazy quick and this is just for fun, so oh well.
OH! And I also FINALLY got fabric for my Belle Library dress redo.

So to recap on this saga.
In mid-September I ordered a swatch of a “spring green” silk dupioni from one store. It came and was PERFECT so about two or so weeks after ordering the swatch I ordered my yardage. It arrived and was GREY. Sent pics to the store of my swatch/swatch receipt showing the name and the yardage/yardage receipt showing the name – showing they were supposed to be the same thing but the colours were obviously off. The store had us send it back to see what happened, along with a piece of the swatch. They looked into it and said I got sent the wrong fabric and they would send out the right stuff right away. Yay! Then a few hours later got another email that actually, the dye-lot had changed. The swatch of “spring green” i got was no longer available so they refunded me.
All in all not the store’s fault at all but it was frustrating. Then I had to try to hunt down a replacement because I’d REALLY been happy with that spring green swatch!
I knew a lot of my friends like Silk Baron, so I decided to see what they had. Ordered a swatch from them and it came and it was really close… just a little less saturated. Silk Baron followed up after my swatch order, so I figured what the heck, it can’t hurt to ask. Told them my whole saga of the previous swatch and that I was trying to match it. They had me send a cut of that spring green swatch to them and they colour-matched it for me! I got the “celery” silk dupioni and it’s exactly what I had in my mind for this. Really really happy with their customer service.
And after 2.5 months I finally have this fabric LOL. I’m probably not going to get a start on it for a while now, though – I had intended to work on this costume over Oct-Dec before we moved, but now it’s so close to the move date that I don’t want to get into anything involved, I’ll just save it for first new project at new house.
I also did start making a new bag last night, but didn’t take any pics and didn’t finish it. Hoping to finish it tonight!
I have two Padmes for today. Still in concept-art land.

This was a TPM-era piece of concept art. Loved the crazy hair.

This was a ROTS-era concept, and one of the last few colour ones I have. Kinda Daenerys-like in structure.