bienvenidos a miami

Ugh my photos are all out of order in my smugmug folder. So I’m just going to post these by category instead of linearly.

Thursday! We went to see the Frayser Bauhaus. This super cool house was built in 1948.

It got turned into a doctor’s office for several years, and now it’s being restored to its former glory! They had the house open for people to wander thru and take a look at the history they’ve gathered about the house (they still don’t know who the architect was!), notes on what was added, what the dr’s office did to it and how they are fixing it, etc. It was pretty neat.

I’m not gonna bore ya’ll with a ton more photos. It was miserably hot so after we walked thru and got some photos and everything we left and got dinner!

Saturday! Mom and I had some Vintage Clothes Fun. A friend of mom’s was donating a ton of vintage stuff to the playhouse and let us go through it first and keep a few things!
I wish I’d taken pics of more of it, there was easily like 100+ clothing items, and probably like 30 hats! But here’s a few highlights.

Full suit; jacket, pants, and hat! Still had his name on the inside.
I almost kept this as a Peggy jacket but it was too bulky looking on me.

So many hats!

OMG this dress was SO dreamy. Too small for me so I’m just holding it on!

This incredible 80s dress really reminded me of Willie Scott’s Anything Goes dress.

It was COVERED it in beading! It was so heavy!

I kept a few things.

This little black velvet hat REALLY reminded me of Lucy! I may have to make a whole Lucy costume based on it.
And a black netted snood with gold details on the netting. So pretty!

And a green velvet cloche hat that looked really cute on me, and a pair of tiny sparkley gloves. Seriously usually gloves are too BIG for me but these are almost too small. I’m not going to strain the gloves by putting them on again because the beading is started to come off, I’m going to try to stabilize all the beads before wearing them.

I also kept a 60s green wool jacket with the owner’s initials still on the inside. It’s knee length and I didn’t have a nice winter coat of that length – only some casual ones, so this will be a nice addition for when I need to get dressier when it’s cold out. I left it at mom’s for now, and for some reason I didn’t take a pic of it. I will later!


I got the robe basically finished last week. All the lining is set in, it’s all hemmed. I just didn’t attach the sleeves – going to wait and do that way later after appliques are done and attached.

I got the base insets for the back panels cut out and hemmed.

I was working on that Friday night when…. I ran out of black thread. I had 3 spools of black thread in my sewing room. One went out, so I grabbed the second one of my thread bag, and after a few more inches of sewing, I looked up at it on the machine andddddddd it was on the verge of running out, too! So I went ahead and ran that one on out, and went to grab the 3rd spool off my bobbin winder… only to remember it was nearly out, too! So all 3 spools ran out on the same night. I was stuck!

So I switched to working on that DragonCon prop I’m still not posting pics of yet. I worked on it most of the weekend – last night I think I got it to a place I might be happy with it? Still needs a lot more work before I start showing it to anybody.

But running out of thread tanked my plans to have the robe finished this weekend… once I got my brain off it and onto something else, even after getting more thread Saturday, I just stayed on that track. But tonight I’m back at it, because I need to order some supplies for the prop.

Oh! I almost forgot. I prewashed my silk last week.

And SO glad I did because it was nasty. Really dirty, the water looked like swamp water when I pulled it out. I just rinsed it in the sink with a little vinegar, and since it’s 8 yards and didn’t have a lot of movement, I decided to rinse it once more just to make sure it was totally clean, so I did a second round in the bathtub. Water was pretty clean that time around so I’m confident it’s truly clean.

I have to cut into it tonight. SCARY!

Saturday we ran a TON of errands including craft store where I got…

Trim for the Amidala robe

And a TON of beads for the appliques!
Crap I just realized all my tupperware is packed so I have nothing to put these in. Guess I’m buying some cheap plastic storage containers at the grocery store this week.

Other weekend stuff… we went to see Incredibles 2 Saturday night finally. It was cute! I also got my Jean Grey costume dug out of my closet at my parents and everything is accounted for, no repairs needed except gluing the belt buckle back on. Yay!

Hmm I think that’s it for today. I think I covered everything. Not being able to post progress pics of the prop really cut down on my content… LOL

OH! I am still slogging along on the wedding dress Padme. It is taking FOR…EV…ER. I’m hoping MAYBE I can be done with it by midweek. Fingers crossed.
Also – continuing my trend of close-ups of fabric for my header image… 3 for 3! Maybe I can do it next post too!