I am a train

Trying to think of another post title that’s not “monday again” or something and I typed the first thing that came to mind. “I am a train.” OK. (I’m pretty certain that’s due to having Arlo Guthrie’s “The City of New Orleans” stuck in my head the past couple of days thanks to it playing in the grocery store on Saturday.)

So anyway what’s been happening since my last post? A bunch of embroidery that’s what. Seriously that’s all my life is now. I get up, go to work, embroider at lunch (or work through lunch so I can go home early to embroider), get home, embroider, eat dinner, embroider, go to bed, repeat.

Thursday night Chase was photographing a production of Hamlet, so I tagged along as Lens-Assistant-Girl because my cousin was playing Horatio.

It was really good, I really enjoyed it! Also got to eat Molly’s for dinner so that was nice.

Friday morning I woke up with a terrible migraine that I couldn’t get under control until about mid-day Saturday. Sometimes I get a migraine that my prescription meds won’t touch, but there’s this Tylenol Sinus Headache stuff that is the only thing that works and for whatever reason Target is the only place that carries this specific stuff. So after a day and night of my RX stuff not working we got up and went to Target when they opened Saturday morning. And they were OUT OF IT. OMG. But thankfully had generic stuff that had the same ingredients so I gave that a try. I went ahead and went up and bought it while Chase and Kevin shopped, and I’m sure I looked like some addict…I was in a migraine fog to start with, and the self-checkout machine gave me an error and nobody was coming to help so I started to go over to another free machine to try again and the cashier across the way told me it was because it was cold medicine and they needed to see my ID. Ok so why doesn’t the error say that? Then after I was done I went straight over to the water fountain and took two of them, and to top it off choked on one of them and coughed it back out into my hand because I’m incapable of taking a pill like a normal person.

Then I went back to shopping. LOL

Stuff starting kicking in just a few minutes later and was feeling back to normal by noon.

Kevin was with us this weekend so that was fun. It’s been a while!

Pizza Mac and Cheese?? (He loves pizza but hates mac and cheese. We convinced him to try this and he liked this a lot.)

Kevin Shakespeare:

Sunday it was embroidery allllllll daaaaaaaay long. We had wings and fries and cake for dinner while watching the Super Bowl. Then overnight I got sick to my stomach. Don’t know what it was because the boys didn’t get sick — so it was probably the cake batter I ate earlier in the day when mixing up the cake šŸ˜›

Still feeling a little queasy today but mostly better. Thankfully the migraine is totally gone!

I never got around to pulling costumes for Visioncon over the weekend. I still can’t decide what to take and trying to straighten my brain out to figure it out is impossible. Going to try to do it over the next couple of nights in between the non-stop embroidery.

Here’s one of the front panels as of last night. So currently I have the bulk of the work on the flowers along the bottom done. Still have a few smaller petals to do in places and the shadow-stitched petals (avoiding those). I have some vertical stuff done on 3 of the panels — mostly testing out stuff on the two side ones, and then I started concentrating on going vertical on one of the front ones:

Laid it out at work because it’s good light for it.

Those little wingy X shapes in there took forever. That’s pretty much all I did yesterday.

Another shot after I realized it looked crooked in the pic above:

I’m really feeling pressure on this. I’m not sure how I’m doing on time. I am starting to move faster at least, but I don’t know if it’s fast enough. I do have this Friday off and I intend to spend the day doing nothing but embroidering. I think I may set up in our bedroom and sit on the bed all day instead of the couch. Just for a change of pace.

Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle yeah