More Donna progress

Discovered rifftrax was on hulu last night so I got a good bit done.

Starting beading the stitched on designs. It's not perfect but I have to keep pushing forward if I ever want to finish this.Getting started on my Donna Unicorn & the Wasp dress again - I started it in 2014, put in hold, and decided to start all over again this year.

Unfortunately, those straight line stitches at the top I wanted to take out? Half-way through removing the first one I realized it was damaging the fabric. UGH! So I stopped and left what was there and just went over the top of it with my embroidery floss. It’s not going to look great, but at this point — oh well 🙁

Tonight I need to draw up a pattern for the spikes along the bottom of the round side pieces, get them drawn and then sewn on. I don’t want to do too much more beading that will get in the way of putting it through the machine.

I woke up this morning with a GIANT zit smack in the middle of my face. Isn’t that the way? Right before a con?