
Sorry I haven’t posted much lately. There’s not really a lot to talk about. It’s the normal post-Dragoncon lull. Besides that work has been stressful so I’ve been spending a lot of time just trying to relax and falling asleep early every night.

My sewing room is a disaster. Even though I put all my Dragoncon costumes away the weekend after the con! It was a new record! But somehow it’s a wreck. I needed to get in there and hem some pants for a friend and I still haven’t been able to clear a path to the machine. Going to chip away at it some more tonight.

I’ve got a couple of personal projects working over the next month – mostly stuff for GMX. I’m not making anything, but refurbing two previously worn costumes. I’m going to make a new Link tunic and hat for Kevin, out of some leftover green suede from Green Arrow (I say ‘Leftover’ when really it was never used. He found something he liked better and we never returned the first fabric). I’m hoping all of his old accessories are still in decent enough shape to wear. We got him a really sweet foam Link sword a couple of years ago but he hasn’t had an opportunity to carry it, so it’s time to fix the Link costume so he can wear it again.

My other project ties into my birthday, so I’ll back up for a minute and talk about that.

Didn’t do a whole lot for my birthday but went to the Melting Pot with Chase and my parents. It was soooo good, as it always is. Afterwards we went home and they gave me my birthday present from all of them:

My Tom Servo kit I got for my birthday! Time to spruce up my Dr Forrester costume!Kelldar.com | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

They got me a Tom Servo kit!!!! Ahhh!!

So I’m hoping he’s done I can carry him around at GMX, so if I’m carry him around I obviously need to match, so I’m going to revisit the Dr Forrester costume I made last year. I’ve got a cute black dress I think I might wear it with – I just need to refit the jacket. It’s too big for me over-all – which I didn’t really care about last year because it was just for fun – but I want to get it fitted so it looks decent.

So right now I’m thinking about bringing: Dr Forrester, Batgirl (IF we get the new gauntlets done), Donna Noble Runaway Bride, Romana I, Glimmer, and Trillian. That’s MORE than enough to keep me entertained over GMX weekend.