More progress stuff!

So yesterday after I got tired of fooling with the Zaphod jacket, I cleaned up my office and moved on to my other dragoncon project. Here’s some pics.

My husband sculpted this rose for my staff. It was originally supposed to be double sided, but it ended up being quite heavy so we left it at one | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

Sculpting a thing

The bodice I was talking about

The beginning of my Glimmer costume.I made a really basic bodice out of some canvas I had on hand, purple cotton, and | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

That’s actually the inside lining. I haven’t gotten to the outer layer yet, but last night I got all of the pieces cut out, and the interior pieces boning & busk cut and in. Tonight I’ll sew up the edges and put on the outer layer.

I’m considering adding a 5th Dragoncon costume, just because I’m going to be done with this one by August and then I’m going to feel a sense of uselessness. It’s something really simple and that I could do fairly cheaply. We’ll see.