FOOT! Updates and beading

I dozed off an on yesterday, got the beading on my dress mostly finished (want to go back and add a few more to the top, but technically it’s finished), and did something wasn’t supposed to do: unwrapped the bandages on my foot.

They told me not to, that the doctor wanted to do that at my follow up tomorrow morning. But last night my whole leg was absolutely throbbing in pain and I finally figured out it was the ace bandage around the whole thing, it was too tight. So I took it off and rewrapped it a little looser. instant relief! I didn’t take the gauze wrappings underneath off, though. I really wanted to – I feel like if I could see the “wound” I would know my limitations a little better.

At this point I haven’t tried to walk on it. Yesterday was out of the question. Today I’m going to try, but this boot they told me to wear while walking is a pain in the butt. For one thing, it forces all my weight to the middle of my foot, which is right where the incision was. I could probably manage to hobble around it in despite that, if it wasn’t basically a 2in tall platform shoe. It’s too tall, making my “good” leg too short, making it really hard to even hobble around.

I actually really wish they’d given me crutches; I probably would have been pissed if they did and refused to use them, but at this point I’m already tired of hopping and crawling everywhere.