Art Post: valentine’s day

Had a nice, laid back valentine’s day yesterday šŸ™‚

Chase got home, and had gotten me flowers! Yay! They’re really pretty, I need to get my puzzle finished and off the dining room table so I can set them out for everyone to see. We went ahead and opened out gifts from one another. I’d gotten him this lego X-Wing set, and spent all morning mad and worried i wasn’t going to come in time. I’d ordered it under the impression it was regular UPS so I’d had it sent to work, well it ended up being SMART POST which I loathe, and they’d handed it off to the post office two days earlier with no tracking updates. But thankfully it showed up mid-day monday, crisis averted.
I also drew him a Doctor Who picture:

He get me a Harry Potter gift basket šŸ˜€ with a ravenclaw scarf, a galleon and chocolate covered galleons, a stuffed owl and lightning scar temp tattoos šŸ˜€ Now I have an excuse to make a ravenclaw robe for the movie this summer. šŸ™‚

We cooked dinner and watched Doctor Who, then ran out and bought cookies and came home and just chilled all night. It was nice.

Rest of the week – I’m working some overtime and finishing up Enchantress! yay!