an odd worry

While at conventions, I’m always worried someone’s going to ask me something about the character I’m dressed as, or ask me to pose in a certain way, and I have no idea what they’re talking about.

I think the only reason I worry about it because I’ve had it happen – one time when I was wearing Belldandy, and guy came up and wanted me to do a specific pose. I did what I thought he was talking about and he said that wasn’t it, so he tried to describe it. I just couldn’t get what he was talking about. This was from someone who had, at that point, read every english version of the comics, watched all the anime at the time (the hadn’t done the tv series yet, only the OAV series), collected the artbooks, etc… I was pretty well versed in Ah! My Goddess stuff at that point.

Anyway, finally I think the guy got frustrated with me and just took a picture of the pose I was attempting. He walked around and I just got the feeling from him that he was disappointed, and probably thinking I didn’t know anything about the character I was dressed as.

I’m always afraid something similar is going to happen again! I haven’t kept up with comics regularly in recent years (I buy them maybe every 2 months or so) and it’s been years since I’ve reread some of my favourite stories, so I don’t always remember everything, nor do I know what the latest developments are (I’ve been trying to find a place to break into X-Men again, but everytime I pick up the latest issue it seems to be in the middle of some story arc.) A lot of times I try to brush up on the characters I’m going to be dressing as – whether it be on the internet or digging up my old comics or whatever.

But anyway, that’s my story. Not much of one, but just a random worry I often have.