Went out with the girls last night – got home around 2am-ish. But even before that I felt a migraine coming on. I did everything I could to divert again but no luck, around 4am it kicked into high gear. Blah… and here I’d gone nearly 5 weeks without one.
today’s sketch is Rogue.

I don’t know when I did this – I found it stuck in my sketchbook drawn on a piece of printer paper, so I must have done it at work… but who knows when.
As I posted yesterday I got a lot done. I started messing with the collar piece but mostly spent yesterday working on the skirt. I made an underskirt, but I’m not sure how I feel about it, it’s a little bulky around the top. I may take it apart and trim it down. I got my main skirt put back together, I added a new panel and left out the pleats this time. It works a lot better, and I also redid the darts on the back over the bustle. Today I’ll need to get the lining put together, then try to figure how to hem the dumb thing. I can’t lay it flat and just pin it evenly!
I came across a few more pics from MidSouthCon.
Deadpool and Snow White LOL

Wonder Woman, Catwoman and Deadpool:

And Wonder Woman hanging out in the dealer’s room: