Today was supposed to have been a do-nothing, go-nowhere, stay-at-home and finish some stuff kind of day.
We woke up this morning and Chase said, “Let’s go to Cracker Barrel for breakfast.” I said fine, so off we went. After that, we were just going to go to Sports Authority or Dick’s (if Dick’s was open yet) so Chase could look for one of those armbands that can hold Ipod, and back home.
Well at Cracker Barrel we saw Mel!! Yay! š Then we went over to the new Dick’s Sporting Goods, and it wasn’t open yet. But Kohl’s was right next door (this is a sort-of new area that’s just gotten really built up recently) so we wandered in there. Didn’t buy anything, just looked around. Then we noticed some new stores nearby, so we went to see what they were. One of them was Archiver’s, this giant, awesome scrapbooking store. And it was their grand opening, so just for going in there we each got a little spool of ribbon LOL So we wandered around in there. Got lots of wedding ideas. Yay.
Then, Chase wanted to just go by Gamestop real quick and see if they had those MR Halo mini-guns. So we went in there. They had them so he got one. I asked if he wanted to get a new game, so we must have poured over the used games for at least a half hour. We finally settled on Soul Caliber 3.
Then we decided to hop over to Bed Bath and Beyond right across the street, since we need a scale, and that’s where I got my little armband-holding-Ipod thing (which I can’t find, but still, I bought one there.)
And this is where the day got blown.
We decided to go ahead and start our registry. We’d already signed up for a registry there, at one of the bridal shows, but we decided to actually start adding stuff to it.
It was so much fun, I was dead tired – at least 2 and a half hours of walking around scanning stuff. Chase mainly scanned all the kitchen and cooking stuff, since that’s his realm, and that was the only part that got boring to me. And I must have scanned every freaking photo frame in the place.
The only thing I don’t get about this whole thing is this: china. I don’t want china at all. I’m never having the Queen over, and if I do, she can eat off my plastic blue Target plates. I don’t understand why it’s pushed so much that newlyweds register for china – I mean, fine, if you like it, but I’d rather have our guests buy us something we can use on a regular basis.
So whenever somebody brings it up – like today, the registry lady at the store – I say, “I have my grand grandmother’s china,” which pretty much makes them drop the subject immediately.
And it’s not a lie, it’s completely true. I do own my great-grandmother’s china. It’s in storage and I doubt I’ll ever need it but.
Anyway, that was a little OT. I was hungry again by then, so we went through McD’s, and while I ate in the car, Chase went into Sports Authority, still in search of the Ipod-holder, which we didn’t get at Bed, Bath and Beyond. No luck at Sports Authority, though. Then he decided we need to go into Pet Smart. So we did that. And then he decided we needed to go into Target, where I spent birthday money on some new clothes, yay, and Chase found a cheap Ipod-holder, yay.
THEN, we finally went home. It was 4:30 by the time we got home.
So much for a day of doing nothing.
Tomorrow I need to go to Hancocks – 40% off coupon expires tomorrow…