I have been busy!
Yesterday was crazy at work due to several mixups, then I got home to find Indy had thrown up everywhere. I spent an hour cleaning all that up. The only thing that really works is Oxi-clean, which has bleach in it, so while it cleans the puke up really well, it leaves the spot on the carpet slightly lighter than the rest of the floor. And then we woke up this morning to about 10 more puke spots all over the living room again! š Thanks to Indy’s puking over the last couple of months (her stomach has gotten sensitive in her old age, anytime I try to switch her back to dry food – even slowly – it upsets her stomach), our carpet is now a patchwork of grey and white. We were planning on buying new countertops with our tax return, but it may end up being new carpet instead.
After that, I painted the next wall of the prop room. I couldn’t get the very top, so Chase will have to get that area tonight.
And after that, I cut out the start of the top of the costume I’m working on:

Tonight I’ll put it together. I was going to save the top til I finished the skirt, but the skirt is bugging me so I’m working on the top now.
Today’s princess is Tiana! This one is based on one of the “dress up” outfits on the Disney Princess site. I like the outfit but not crazy about the “hat,” wish I’d left it off.