I finished the designs on marasiah, yesterday, and also got my boots attached.
Most of yesterday was spent on my endor poncho. I had to remake it – I’ll explain why, later. It didn’t take long – probably two hours, and I fixed some of the problems with the first one.
Last night we ended up mostly doing nothing — I read a lot, we went to the grocery store, ate dinner… I did get half the boning in my WW bodice, and Chase got half the grommets put in. (I guess it’s the leather, but I simply could not get the grommets in the bodice myself. Chase came in and did it no problem. So he’s doing them all for me)
Today, we have errands to run – he’s taking his Han boots to the cobbler to see if they can be stretched, I want to go by the dance store and try to find tights that don’t make my legs look like I’ve been in the sun for two weeks straight while leaving my arms blindingly white.
Then — I want to finish my Boushh boot tops, the Jango suit, dyeing the poncho, the boning in the WW bodice, and my new slave Leia boots.
Tomorrow, finish the Boushh pants, Boushh undertunic, shoulder pieces and the “WW” for the WW bodice (maybe the flag, too), and fix my rebel Leia pants/shirt.
If I can get all that done this weekend, I will be golden for Dcon.