when indy was superdog

Hey LOOK OMG I actually gave my livejournal a new look.
Not much of a change, but whatever.
I feel like I’m drunk tonight, but I’m not! Ha!

Indy and I went to the Germantown Arts and Crafts festivus thing today. She wore her Superman costume and MAN did everybody love her! Everybody was yelling “Superdog!” and kids kept coming up and petting her. It was so fun. She loved it. And she was so good, she didn’t jump on anybody or anything! But she was sooo tired when she got home, it was so cute. She went straight to her little bed and took a nap.

She also had a bath this morning. It’s been a big day.

eta: Wow I said ‘so’ a lot in that entry. Four times! But, you know, it really was so.