when i was going to new orleans

I have 2 papers to write tonight and studying for my math final exam tomorrow to do, but I don’t feel like it right now! So, here’s a reeeeeeallly long post.

I’m leaving for New orleans on monday and I’m nowhere near done with my dress. Tomorrow night when I get home I need to bust out some fabric paint and get started doing the designs on my dress.
My mom is completely freaking out about me going to New Orleans, and I just can’t understand *why.* I mean, look at the facts:
1) I am an adult. Ok maybe just barely but still. I don’t drink I don’t smoke I don’t do drugs I *hate* clubs… I mean honestly. What have I ever done to make my mom not trust me?
2) We’re staying at the same hotel as the football team. It’s a NICE HOTEL. It’s a Hilton. We’re not staying at Knight’s Inn or some rat trap. We’re v. near the place the game is being played, and the theater we’re going to see LOTR in is within walking distance.
3) We’re caravaning, so despite the fact I don’t trust Cath’s car as far as I could throw it, we’ll have other cars around, not only to guide us to New Orleans, but to pick us up should something go wrong with her car. (I don’t think I ever wrote about the time her car broke down on the way to Gatlinburg with mel. that was the funniest story i’ve ever heard. I’ll write about it tomorrow.)
4) Um. There is no number 4.
but yeah. I’m going, she can’t stop me, but she’s still all worried. The only thing I’M worried about is getting everybody up and out on wednesday morning to get back to memphis by 5.

I have a cool bandaid but it’s coming off. šŸ™
My parents are going to a concert friday – The Bangles and The Romantics. Ha.
I’m not going because i’m a loser.

Been play FFX-2 instead of working on my papers or the comic. the best part so far has been the MONKEY LOVE part. Had to go around pairing up monkeys with their soulmates. “Because isn’t making monkeys happy reason enough?”

My parents are out christmas shopping right now. Something I need to do.

Anyway. Tomorrow’s the last day of school, but I got a BUNCH of stuff to do coming up. Next monday leaving for New Orleans of course, coming back wednesday and seeing The Lion King that night. Then that next weekend I’m leaving for my grandmother’s until Christmas Eve. And in between all that I have to WORK WORK WORK to make up for the days I’m not going to be there. Today I worked from 9 to 5!! Like the song!!!!! I need to get really ahead so most everything is done the days I’m gone next week.

Also need to WORK so I can make money for Paris. Ooh-la-la! I told Ash and Kristie I’m going to buy a black and white striped shirt, a red beret, and one of those long cigarette holders to wear one day in Paris. They told me that was the day they would NOT be walking around with me.

Argh, don’t wanna work. Hey, this is what I’m supposed to be doing right now. Check it out.
“after viewing The Ruling Class and The Wall and after reading selections from Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, write 3 critical, leading questions for each. These questions must be pertinent to this class in terms of Obedience: Disobedience and the individiual/society. Keep in mind the critical tropes we have discussed such as Race, Class, Gender, Nature and the “other.” THEN choose ONE of your questions and wrte a well-developed, evidenced, and argued critique. Your critique MUST make connections with the other 2 texts: If you write on The wall, make connections between it, The Ruling Class, and Jekyll and Hyde.”

So I was rewatching The Ruling Class last night. I really do love that movie. I want it on DVD.

there’s this costume I really want to make but the only convention it would be any good for next year would be Katsucon, and I KNOW I wouldn’t have time before Katsu. Maybe I could make it for San Diego… I’d have plenty of time… my other 2 costumes for San Diego are pretty simple… yeah I’ll thi nk I’ll try it!
I’m not telling what it is but it KICKS ASS.

OH! I’m taking my sketchbook in the car for the ride to get some work done, hopefully šŸ™‚ no worries, no worries!

now I’m off to post in the cosplay journal because I STILL don’t feel like writing my essay.