when we were in jackson

-Have not read book for homework due tuesday.
-Too hot to draw. Palms sweaty. Yuck.
-Got new clothes. Costume stuff. Faramir action figure. Hellsing v. 4. X-Men 1.5.
-Saw My Big Fat Greek Wedding and The Four Feathers. Big Fat Greek Wedding was cute. Four Feathers was boring.
-Went bowling. Did not win. Did batting cages, hit all but one. Rachel tried to get me to join the softball team for spring. YEAH right
-They have DDR in jackson now. Played lots!
-Am not fat, despite what jerks who sign my guestbook say!
-Ash & Rachel left yesterday. Just me and David left up here. Going to wal-mart today… need socks!
-Found Carmen Sandiego. Am really bad at geography.
-Guy at toy store asked us why we weren’t in school. What was he going to do, call a truant officer? I was like… uh, college? We said “spring break” And he goes, “Who has spring break now?” US ! šŸ˜›
-Went in EBX. Guy working there was from Memphis EBX and recognized me and Ash. Went in Journeys. Guy in there was from Memphis Journeys and recognized Ash. WEIRD.