I finally got my Arwen fabric today. Got a pattern, too. We wandered all over the store looking for fabric the right colour – we were about to give up and plan to meet at the other Hancock’s tomorrow, when we found exactly what I was looking for in the Halloween section. It was even cheap! $4 a yard plus 30% off. I got some light blue suede for the underpart and the collar.There’s still a few more things I need for it, but I’ve got the basics now.
As soon as I buy fabric, I wanted to get started on the costume as soon as I get home. I’m like that with everything. I would just go in there and start cutting the pattern right away.
First batch of Dragoncon pics!
Oh… and now Ash is saying she can’t miss a day of school for Katsucon. I may go to Katsucon alone and concentrate on art stuff. It really doesn’t seem worth it to wait and fly up friday evening.