when i saw lilo and stitch

Five good things that have happened to me lately:

1. OMG tanja drew me a Bollywood Britan!!! heheheh!

2. Saw Lilo and Stitch! Loved it!

3. Dad finally hooked the cd burner up to my computer. Backed up all my old art files – from 1997 to 2001, a lot of stuff. Went from about 200MB free to 1.5GB free space! Yay!

4. Dad bought a scanner. From his office’s used equipment auction. Perfectly good colour scanner! And $35. Now both comps have scanners!

5. Completely finished the hand work on both issue 1 and issue 2. I’m so close to being finished with all the handwork for illustrations and such. Still six days til my deadline…!

It is wonderful and hot here right now. Tomorrow it’ll rain. I’m happy.