when i had dreams, again

Oh! I forgot about my dream!!

Of course I don’t remember most of it, but I remember the coolest part. Me and Catherine and Rachel and David and my grandparents went to the mall. It was kinda like our Wolfchase mall, but kinda not. Inside the department store Cath and I went to was more like a Target or something than a department store. We were finding all these old toys, My Little Pony, Rainbow Brite, you know. I remember we were appalled that the Rainbow Brites were like, 60 bucks each.

Then I found some wrapping paper that had anime prints!! I wanted only like, a couple of inches of it, just to show it off I guess. Well the guy told me it was going to be $47 dollars! I was like, no way man, why? (I also looked in my wallet and realised I only had $2) He was like, I have to make some money too. So I said nevermind and walked off to find Cath.

Then a bunch of other stuff happened, and throughout there was this clerk who was being really rude to us. Especially to Catherine. There were like, two incidents were he said some really rude things to her. I can’t remember exactly what they were, but we were so pissed at him.

At one point, Catherine did something silly… I don’t know what it was now, like she knocked something over or something, and the mean manager lady told her she had to leave. We were like, no way! Why does she have to leave? And Cath was all crying and trying to explain that she didn’t mean it. The manager lady said she had ten minutes and then she had to leave. So I went off to look for my shopping bag, which I had apparently left over by the escalators. And there was the really rude clerk guy.. he said something to me and I kicked him in the groin-ilogical area. He was down for the count! But the mean manager lady just happened to be right behind me, and told me that I, too, was now kicked out of the store. I could never come back either! I didn’t care, I was really proud about it kicking that guy. I went over to Cath and told her all about it, and then we left the store and sat down outside to wait for our grandparents.They finally came and were kinda mad about us getting kicked out of the store.

Then we went to find the car. My grandparents had their car and I had mine. We found mine (finally) and I saw that the passenger door was open. By that time it was dark out and my car was far away from any lights, so I couldn’t see inside to see if someone was in there.

I don’t remember anything else after that, though I know other stuff happened.
But… reading back through this… the part I do remember sounds like it actually could have happened, lol.